Chapter 12 - Tell Me The Truth

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{please answer my question at the end of the chapter☺️}

"I'm sorry..." Charlie whispers from the other side of the lift.

I think the idea that being stuck in a lift could cause us to die is making him become all apologetic. But still, that gives him no right to snap at me without a valid reason!

"Good!" I roll my eyes. "I did nothing wrong, you were being off with me for no reason." I explain, before taking out the lift telephone and ringing for help.

"Hello? Hi. Me and my friend are stuck in the reception lift and....oh you're sending someone to fix it. Okay. Yes it's Ella and Charlie from room 301. Thank you...bye!"

"Ella...shut up." He says with an unimpressed smirk.

I walk over to where he's stood and put my head on his shoulder. He has to lower himself down a bit since I'm only 5"5.

"Why won't you tell me what was wrong? We're best friends, we tell eachother everything..." I look up to him and he sighs.

"Is there anything going on between you and Reece?"


"Ella, tell me the truth." He practically begs.

I look in the opposite direction and pretend to act confused.

"Ella...I saw what happened in Pizza Hut."

I gulp.

"We were only joking around." I laugh, biting my lip. I don't really want Charlie finding out that I like Reece just yet.

"You don't understand...I don't know Reece that well and although we're mates, I don't want him hurting you or using you to get his numbers up." Charlie states.

I stare at Charlie in shock. Reece isn't like that, he would've said. Wouldn't he?

"He asked me what number I'm on, and when I said zero. He laughed and asked why I haven't had sex with you yet. So I said that we're just friends."

"To be honest, I don't know what's going on between me and Reece but he doesn't like me in that way and I don't like him in that way either." I lie.

"Okay, I believe you. I just don't want you to be just a number to anyone."

What Charlie says makes me smile. I can never have a conversation like this with actual brother. So it's good that Charlie's got my back.

At that moment there is another major jolt and the lift starts moving again. Me and Charlie both cheer as the door opens to floor 3. We walk out of the lift and towards Julie and Rik's room.

Charlie knocks on the door. Julie opens it swiftly and hugs me then Charlie.

"The ladies at the reception rang, she said that you two were stuck in the elevator. I'm glad you're both okay." Julie smiles sweetly.

"We spent most of the time in there arguing." Charlie laughs whilst Julie engulfs him in a gigantic hug again.

"I'm so so proud of you for today. My little baby's growing up." A tear rolls down her face as she rocks him in her arms.

Charlie blushes red from embarrassment. "Mum, why are you crying?

She wipes a tear from her cheek. "They're happy tears Charlie."

He smiles then kisses, Julie's cheek.

"I think it's time you two got some rest, it's 2am" Julie exclaims.

"That's a good idea, come on Ella, let's go get some rest okay." I laugh as he ushers me out of Julie and Rik's hotel room and into ours.

Charlie allows me to use the bathroom first to brush my teeth and do my nightly routine. I put on one of Charlie's old football shirts again and a pair of jogging bottoms. As I unlock the bathroom door, Charlie is laid on my bed holding a few DVD's.

"Are you actually tired or do you think we can watch a few of these and pull an all-nighter?" He holds up the dvd's and laughs.

I go to join him on the double bed, taking the DVD's out of his hand.

"Charlie we're not watching Shawshank Redemption." I groan.

"Why? It's so good!" He whines, pulling a puppy dog face.

I sigh."Fine, but this is the last time you're making me watch it."

Charlie grins, jumping up to put the DVD in the player. As Charlie is up, I quickly take the note that Reece gave me and read it.

'Whenever you're free, text me - 071231231234.

Love Reece xxx'

I sit and smile to myself as the butterflies in my stomach do summersaults. Nervously, I start drafting a text to him.

'Hey Reece, it's Ella😊x'

I decide on only one kiss, just so I don't seem desperate. Once I press the send button, almost immediately there is a reply.

From Reece:
'Hey, how are you? I was starting to get a bit worried since you got back ages ago and still hadn't texted me😂xxx'

I stare down at the screen and smile to myself. I can't believe he was worried...about me! Just because I didn't text him.

Charlie notices me smiling but doesn't really bother to ask since he's more interested in the film.

To Reece:
'Oh sorry! Haha, me and Charlie got stuck in a lift xxx'

From Reece:
'STUCK IN A LIFT! Hahah, I wouldn't be able to cope being in a lift with you. Don't know how Charlie is still alive😉xxx'

He's an idiot, he really is. But he's cute so it's okay.

To Reece:
'Shut up! You'd love to be stuck in a lift with just me😏xxx'

I giggle at my comment.

From Reece:
'Oh the things I would do to you if we ever got stuck in a lift together😏xxx'

Damn, he's pretty smooth.

To Reece:
'Reece you're such a flirt😂xxx'

From Reece;
'Maybe I am...maybe I aren't;)xxx'

To Reece:
'Idiot😂 go talk to your girlfriend:)xx'

From Reece:
'I'm already speaking to her😏xxx'

I stare at my phone in confusion.

To Reece:
'I don't get it?xxx'

From Reece:
'I'll explain when I next see you. I'll text you in the morning so we can sort out this date. Can't wait to see you again xxxx'

I feel a tiny bit disappointed that he's going to sleep. He just makes me feel so special when we talk, I don't know whether that means I like him or not. To be honest, I just think we're really good friends.

To Reece:
'Okay, goodnight xxx'

I put my phone down on the bedside table, then glance over at Charlie who is already asleep. Quietly, I pull the cold white sheets over my warm body and not long after, I fall fast asleep.


Thank you for 3K reads guys!! It means so much. I'm thinking about starting a The Vamps fanfiction, what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments☺️

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