Chapter 28 - "You're hiding something"

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"Knock knock knock!" Charlie hollers from outside my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I shout sarcastically, even though I already know it is Charlie.

"It's Reece..." Charlie whispers in his 'best' northern accent - which sounds more Irish then Northern.

I tip-toe up to my bedroom door and quickly swing it open, catching charlie off guard.

"Thought you said it was Reece?" I raise an eyebrow jokingly as Charlie enters my bedroom before diving into my bed.

"I would've continued my prank but then you'd probably try and kiss me and I'm not ready for that sort of commitment babe." Charlie smirks when he says babe, he's such a cheeky lil' shit.

"Oi, just because you're bitter about the time you tried to kiss me when we were like 4 and I told your mum and she put you on the naughty step." I shoot Charlie a smug grin, before flicking my hair. It's funny because it's actually a true story, me and Charlie became best friends mainly because 4 year old Charlie had a massive crush on me.

"Shut up, twat-face." Charlie rolls his eyes, employing every inch of self-control he has in himself to avoid laughing at my comment.

"If you're gonna call me twat-face then get out of my bed please, thanks!" The sarcasm is very clear in my tone of voice but Charlie shifts anyway to make room for me to lay down beside him.

"My dad called me twat-face last night when I wouldn't get off the sofa." Charlie groans.

"I would've too." I giggle. "You're so lazy..."

"I'm was like 10pm and I was tired." Charlie exclaims in his defence. I rest my head on Charlie's chest as it's warm and comfortable.

"10pm!? I went to bed at like 3am last night." I giggle.

"But have you been in Bermuda with X Factor for a week?..." Charlie smirks.


"No, no you haven't." He interrupts me as he obviously realises I was going to be sarcastic and say yes when really I haven't.

"I've missed you." I utter before laying my left arm across Charlie's chest.

"I've missed you too!" Charlie's voice begins to quaver as he runs his hands repeatedly through my hair.

After a while of talking and catching up I fall asleep in that position and then not long after, Charlie joins me.


The faint noise of a camera shutter rings in my ears, causing me to wake up.

"aren't you two such cuties." I hear a shrill mocking voice coming from beside my bed.

Immediately, I realise it's Alfie and kick him jokingly.

"oh we're adorable aren't we." I joke. Charlie rolls over and mumbles something in his sleep. It doesn't really make sense so I just dismiss it.

"Ella, I don't think you should be saying things like that when you have a boyfriend." Alfie chortles to himself smugly. I automatically realise that he's most likely going to keep the photo as blackmail.

"Shut up Alfie! I fell asleep on my best friend, that's clearly cheating isn't it." I snap, obviously rolling my eyes and huffing loudly after.

Alfie sighs before looking at me apologetically.

"It was just a joke..." He says solemnly before perching on my bed.

"I know, doesn't matter." I smile before ruffling his chocolate brown hair.

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