Chapter 25 - Three Days

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Ella's POV:

"Ella you need to stop worrying!" Grace exclaims from the top bunk bed.

These past few days have been awful, I've had minimal contact with reece apart from the odd few texts therefore I've been stuck spending all my free time with Grace - which has its advantages and many many disadvantages.

For example, last night she took me out to a party and it was great but one of the guys there wouldn't leave me alone and I felt so awkward explaining to him that I have a boyfriend whom I really love, even though he has been 'too busy' being a pop star to reply to my texts. I've sent so many this past week but I've had so many blunt replies from him. I just hope he hasn't found some beautiful Bermudan girl to be all over.

"I can't help it G, what if he doesn't like me anymore." I sigh loudly, my eyes drifting over to my phone whenever it flashes, hoping there is a message from him.

"He adores you Ella, he wouldn't have asked you to be his girlfriend if he didn't." She peers her head over the edge of the bed and grins at me making me smile.

"That is true, but I'm just worried incase he, y'know, thinks I'm too young for him." My eyes flicker towards my phone as it illuminates.

"What are you implying?" Grace climbs down from the top bunk to where I'm sat, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, like I'm just worried incase he, y'know, wants to do stuff but then he gets annoyed because I'm not legal yet..." I lower my voice when I say legal, hoping that Grace catches onto what I'm saying.

"ELLA!!" She immediately bursts into laughter. "So is this what you're worried about?"

I nod nervously.

"Well has sent you anything sexual or?" She raises an eyebrow and glances over to my phone.

"He said this the other night..." I show her the messages he sent. "But apart from that he's just being really blunt to be honest." I sigh loudly.

Grace shifts over to me before putting her arm closest to me around my shoulder. "Well if he's being blunt, then be blunt back to him!"

"But then, what if he then thinks I don't like h-"

"-Oh yeah and we've got another party to go to tonight and Brad is going to be there!!" She practically squeals her sentence. Brad is Grace's 'new' Charlie, since she claims that Charlie is too immature for her to fancy therefore she's moved on to Brad - the new boy - which is pretty stupid since Brad is still younger then Charlie. Most of the girls in year 10 have a massive crush on the Brad since he can play the guitar and has the 'curls' and all that shit. I don't really think he's as attractive as everyone makes out but he's not too bad.

I roll my eyes before heaving myself off the bed to go plug my phone in. As I plug it in, it vibrates loudly and my phone illuminates revealing I have an unread message from...Jake which is weird since he almost never texts me, it's usually Casey I message.

From Jake🐒:
"Hey Ella, how are you? Have you messaged Reece recently? he's getting a bit...well Reecey over the fact that you haven't texted him back in almost 3 days. Please text him or ring him or something so that he stops moping around thinking his girlfriend is seeing someone else, thank you😘😘x"

Immediately my face lights up with a hint of red filling my cheeks. 'He does care' I say to myself.

"What are you grinning at?" Grace giggles, referring to the gigantic smile from ear to ear that had erupted on my previously moody face.

I hand her my phone and show her Jake's message.

"Oh my god, Ella!!! That's so cute." She giggles, implying she had read the message.

"I know! He's so soppy it's unreal but at least I know he misses me." I bite my lip and smile sheepishly to myself, then plug my phone in.

Grace coughs loudly, almost implying for me to do something.

"What?" I turn to face her and raise an eyebrow.

"Aren't you gonna text him?" She giggles.

"Shit, yeah!" I join her and giggle.

To Reece💘:
"Hey babe! I miss you lots and lots. I hope you're having a fab time in Bermuda😘 hope you're not missing me too much. (P.S. Stop moping around)😏xxxx"

I smile before pressing the send button.

Not up to a minute later, I get a reply from no-one other than...Mr Bibby.

From Bibbeh💘:
"I love and miss you too Ell, Bermuda's great but I wish that you're here with me😘 also let me guess, Jake told you I was moping around?😂😂xxxx"

To Bibbeh💘:
"Oh course Jake did!😂 but don't worry, I'm only seeing this really weird guys called Reece Bibby. I don't think you've heard of him😏xxxx"

From Bibbeh💘:
"Well that's a bit strange since I'm seeing this girl called Ella Smith that lives in may of heard of her. She's pretty annoying😏xxxx"

I can't help but chortle at Reece's reply, I thought I was being pretty witty but I guess not since he caught onto it immediately.

To Bibbeh💘:
"You're an idiot😂xxxx"

From Bibbeh💘:
"But you love me😘😏xxxx"

His swift replies means that he is most likely in the hotel, using their wifi.

To Bibbeh💘:
"Who? Me? Who said I love you?😏xxxx"

From Bibbeh💘:

To Bibbeh💘:
"You know I love you, idiot😘xxxx"

From Bibbeh💘:
"I've got to go babe, Tom said we've all been called for some meeting. I'll text you later xxx"

I don't bother reply to it since he said he'll text later but to honest, I'm so glad I messaged him since its re-assured me that he does in fact still have feelings for me and I do for him.


I'm sorry for this rubbish chapter, but I promise the next will be a sorta bigger one.


only you //. reece bibby (stereo kicks)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora