Chapter 13 ~ Back Home.

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The day after bootcamp we leave the hotel and go back to Kent. By the time I get home, I quickly hug Charlie and Julie before heading to my house.

As soon as I open the door my mum greets me with a gigantic hug.

"How was it?" She eagerly asks.

"Well he didn't get through the first round of bootcamp. But...." I pause for a second to add tension.

"But what?" Mum shouts.

"But...he got put into a boy band and they're through to Judge's Houses." Mum squeals with happiness and dances around the living room.

"I need to go ring Julie, I'm so proud of him...and of you, all the support you've given him. You two are lucky to have one another." She kisses my forehead before walking down to the kitchen.

I run straight up the stairs and into my bedroom. It's exactly how I left it, however a slight bit tidier, meaning that mum had probably been in my room and arranged it all for me. That or Alfie has decided to become a really good brother and clean my room, but I highly doubt it.

"Ella? Are you back?" I hear Alfie yell from the other side of the landing.

"Yeah!" I holler from my room,opening the door slightly so that I can hear anyone who shouts for me. The pattering of feet across the landing got louder until my bedroom door flung open, revealing Alfie standing in the doorway.

"You okay?" He walks in and sits on the chair at my desk.

I nod.

"How was London?" He smiles at me before taking his phone out of his pocket.

"It was great, bought loads of clothes yesterday before we came back." I point to the shopping bags next to my handbang.

"Unless there is a present for me for being such a good brother then I don't care what you bought."

I smile sarcastically at him.

"So how did your boyfriend do?" He smirks at me knowing I'll get annoyed with him.

I roll my eyes and huff.

"If you're talking about Charlie, then he did great. He got put in to this 8 piece boyband and they're through to judges houses-"

"-That's great!! As if he's going to Judges Houses. Does he know where they're going, I bet there'll be some real fit lasses there." Alfie shuffles excitedly on his chair as he speaks.

"Awks because he doesn't know where they're going." I laugh. "And, I thought you have a girlfriend?"

Alfie rolls his eyes. "Lauren won't mind." He winks.

"Oh I think she will." I exclaim before rolling over to check my phone. My stomach groans loudly.

"Have you eaten anything since you got back?" Alfie asks.

I shake my head.

"You up for Nando's?" He smiles sweetly. For some reason he's actually being really nice and I have no idea why.

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow, displaying a confused expression on my face.

He chuckles to himself. "Because one, I'm hungry and two, weirdly enough I actually missed you...well sort of."

I smile sarcastically at him before heaving myself off my bed. "Fine, since you missed me I'll grace you with my presence."

Alfie rolls his eyes before walking off downstairs to put on his coat. I do the same shortly after, however I grab a leather jacket from my wardrobe, my phone and my purse. Before heading off downstairs.

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