Chapter 17 - You're So Bossy!

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After days of anxiously waiting, Saturday finally arrives meaning it's been over a week since I last saw Reece. As soon as I get into Charlie's house, Julie greets me at the doorstep.

"Charlie's we're he usually is...either in the kitchen or his bedroom." She laughs.

I check the clock which is reading 01:17pm, so my best guess would be he's still in bed so I try his room first.

Quietly, I knock on the door.

"It's open!!" I hear Charlie shout from inside the room. As I enter, my phone vibrates loudly, well loud enough to make me jump. I hate having it on vibrate. I check it briefly. I have a text.

From James:
"Hey Ella, I was wondering if you and Charlie would like to come bowling with the rest of us tonight? X"

To James:
"Yeah sure! I'd be up for it, I'll ask Charlie if he wants to as well, but I'm sure he'd love it :) x"

I smile at my phone as I read the message. It's been a while since I've spent time with the boys so I'm exited.

"James just text me, asking if we wanted to come bowling with them later today." I inform Charlie.

To be honest there was no need to ask him as he'd most likely say yes but I thought I might as well ask him to stop him getting all pouty like he usually does when he doesn't get his own way.

"Oh yeah sure, I was thinking we could have a movie night but it's fine." He smiles half-heartedly.

I shuffle over and join him on his bed, putting my arm closet to him around his lower back, hugging him slightly.

"Well we can always have one another day." I nudge his side and giggle.

"True, I'm picking the movie next time because I don't want some sad film that you'll cry for hours about." He mocks.

I can't help but clutch my stomach as I'm laughing so hard.

"If you're talking about TFIOS, then you're the one that cried for hours after..."

Charlie opens his mouth, as if to say he's shocked at my comment. Even though he knows I'm telling the truth.

"Don't act like you didn't." A small smirk plays on my lips as Charlie gently pushes my shoulder.

"If you tell anyone about that I'll deny it." He pouts, before walking out of his bedroom and down the hall.

Whilst Charlie is gone I grab my phone to see an unread text from Reece.

From Bibbeh💘:
"Hi Ella! I'm on the train😘 I can't wait to see you xxxx"

I try my hardest to not act exited however I can't help it. I grin stupidly at my phone for at least five minutes before getting out of bed.

My blue science revision guide lays on my bed staring at me, I guess Charlie was using it last night. I push it under Charlie's bed before turning on the TV to search through the channels. It didn't take too long until I settle for a bit of Disney Channel and start belting out various songs from Hannah Montana.

Charlie walks into his bedroom with a blue and white towel wrapped around his waist, his brown hair dripping wet.

"I take it you got a shower then?"

Charlie nods. In one hand he's holding his iPhone 5 and in the other he has a bacon sandwich. Typical Charlie, he's always eating!

"Do you want me to leave?" I politely ask.

"It's fine, I know you'll find it difficult to resist but you can't watch me get dressed." He chuckles to himself as I look down at my phone to avoid any awkward glances.

"I'm naked so don't look up!" He shouts. I do as he says and carry on staring at my phone, scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed.

" boxers and shorts are on!"

I laugh before looking up at him, he's only in shorts. His black Calvin Kleins are creeping up however Charlie has always been slightly muscled, but since he's still young there's still a little bit of baby fat in his cheeks. He isn't really that confident about his body but I always tell him that he has nothing to worry about.

"What are you going to wear?" I get up off his bed and open his wardrobe.

Charlie shrugs his shoulders. "I don't have a clue." He pouts before diving onto his bed.

"I'll just go like this." He sticks his leg up in the air and poses, making me giggle.

"If you go like that, you'll probably get kicked out the band." I joke.

"I'll choose your outfit." I say with a smug smile on my face.

There are multiple items of clothing inside, ranging from plain black t-shirts to suit jackets. Eventually, I pick out a plain white t-shirt and a red and black plaid flannel for him to match with some black skinny jeans.

I hand it to him. "Here wear this!!"

He takes it and brushes the creases off of it.

"I don't like it, it's creased." Charlie snaps jokingly, knowing it'll annoy me.

I roll my eyes. "I don't care if you don't like it. I told you I'm picking your outfit and you can pick mine. But you're wearing this whether you like it or not. Also, it's creased because it needs ironing" I exclaim.

"Urgh, you're so bossy." Charlie grumbles. I stick my tongue out at him making him chuckle.

I do regret telling Charlie that he can choose my outfit but I have faith in him to make me look at least acceptable. There are a few bits of my clothing in the spare room since it's where I stay most of the time, however me and Charlie decide to walk down to my house instead so I can get ready.

My phone chimes as soon as we enter my house.

From Bibbeh💘:
"I'm almost at Kent, I'll be there in an hour or so!!!😁xxx"

To Bibbeh💘:
"I can't wait to see you, ring me when you get off the train. Julie said she'll come pick you up from the train station."

From Bibbeh💘:
"See you babe😏xxx"

To Bibbeh💘:
"Pipe down don't call me babe😏xxx"

I smirk as I type the sarcastic message to Reece, secretly hoping that he wasn't joking.

To be honest, I'm starting to have doubts on whether he actually likes me or is just joking around to 'have a laugh' with his mates.

I really hope he isn't. As much as I hate to admit it, I do really like him...


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