Chapter 9 ~ We're not dating

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Rik drives to the arena about an hour or two before the band go onstage, making various pit stops at shoes shops.

The shoe obsession must actually run in the family since Charlie is in love with trainers and shoes and pretty much anything that goes on your feet to be honest.

When we finally arrive at Wembly, Rik takes me through the back entrance to a door where a rather large, muscly man is stood.

"Name please?" The man asks. His name tag on his black jacket says Gary.

Rik coughs before speaking. "Rik Jones and Ella Smith, I'm the father of Charlie Jones. He's part of the new boyband."

Gary nods his head, lifting up his walkie talkie.

"I have Charlie Jones' dad and friend with me, am I alright to let them in?"

The feedback on the walkie talkie goes through me, making me feel all funny inside.

"He said that's fine, let them in!" A woman on the other end of the walkie talkie replies.

Gary then opens the big black door he was guarding which leads into the waiting room. Rik and I are then taken through the waiting room and into a smaller practise room where Charlie and 7 other boys are rehearsing.

I spot Charlie and wave to get his attention. When he sees me he smiles brightly, running over to hug me.


"Hiya, so which band where you put in?" I exclaim.

Charlie grins from ear to ear.
"Funny story actually, Simon had this great idea to create an 8 piece boyband. So we're all in it!"

I stare at him blankly.

"Oh!" He snaps. "Aren't you happy for me?"

I immediately giggle at his outrageous comment. Of course I'm happy for him!
"I am!! I'm over the moon Charlie, I really am."

He pulls me by my waist and hugs me, letting out a huge sigh of relief. As we hug, I hear a few childish giggles behind us.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your girlfriend Charlie?" The smallest of the 7 boys says. He's actually really attractive, with his plugs and piercings.

Charlie scowls at the boys. Whilst I just laugh instead.

"We're not dating!!! We never have and I highly doubt we will." I decide to set the record straight immediately, to...y'know...avoid any misunderstandings.

A chorus of "oooos's" emerged from the boys as Charlie blushed.

"Guys meet Ella, Ella meet James, Chris, Casey, Tom, Barclay, Jake...and you know Reece, right?"

I nod as Reece waves.

"I already recognise Tom, Barclay and Jake. But the rest of you, give me a few weeks, I'm so shit with names it's unreal." I laugh.

"...and you know me!" Reece adds.

Tom and Casey nudge eachother, then look at Reece who is smiling sheepishly at me from the other side of the room. I can't help but slightly blush. Charlie is oblivious to what is going on, so he just rehearses his lines of the the song.

I listen to the boys rehearse a total of 3 times before the lady with a clip board from the other day walks down the stairs.

"Okay, please can you all make you're way on stage" she states as the boys line up one behind the other.

I hug Charlie tightly.

"Good luck, I believe in you." I whisper in his ear. He smiles nervously before joining the other boys.

They all hug one another and then climb the stairs. Anxiously, I sit on a chair backstage and wait. The music starts and the anxiety kicks in.

They deserve a seat more than anything....


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