02. 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘛𝘶𝘳𝘯

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Azalea had a hard few months, but Pamela was there with her through most of it. Azalea had felt with the funeral and such, many people came, some there for Chyna and some there for Azalea. Azalea did spread her mom's ashes, with a few friends by her side as she didn't want any family with her because they didn't support Azalea choosing to spread the ashes besides her grandmother.

Bayley had debuted onto the main roster, making Azalea so proud of her. Azalea had sold her childhood home, which she did get a lot of backlash from her family for. But she didn't give a damn, it belonged to her anyways. Her mother gave her everything, not leaving a dime to the family but every penny went to Azalea. This leading Azalea to get a penthouse in Orlando, Pamela moving in with her this time as Azalea had moved in with Pamela the last time. It was in both of their names and Pamela even got a dog. Which Pamela named Bailey but with an I which Azalea found funny.

Azalea had ended up getting a rescue dog and she named him Nalu, he was a special breed and had two different eye colors. Bayley and Azalea loved their two dogs so much, they were like their kids. A lot had changed in the WWE, they had gotten rid of the word divas and now it was just a women's division. Azalea loved this because now there was more opportunities for the women's division especially with two titles.

There was more respect for the women's division and Azalea loved it. This is everything she wanted, everything her mom would've wanted. They had been begging for Azalea's return to take the title from Sasha Banks who was the current Raw Women's Champion holder. Azalea didn't know if she wanted to return just yet despite how much she had been training every week.

Though they did really want Azalea to return at Hell in a Cell she wasn't sure. Currently she was laying down on the couch watching a horror movie next to Bailey and Nalu, thinking about what she would do if she returned. She and Pamela had been throwing ideas around all month and Azalea definitely wanted to turn heel. Hunter had suggested for her to return at Hell in a Cell which was just less than a month away.

The door opened and Pamela walked in, setting her suitcase to the side she walked into the living room and immediately jumped over the couch and straddled Azalea causing her to let out a yelp. "You scared the crap out of me!" Azalea playfully shoved Pam's shoulders, causing her to laugh before leaning down and connecting their lips into a heated kiss. Azalea pulled her down and flipped them over so Azalea was now on top.

"As much as I really enjoy this, I have a surprise for you." Pamela said, Azalea smiled and nodded, crawling off of Pam and sitting next to Nalu and Bailey who were focused on the movie for some reason. Pamela sat up and grabbed her suitcase, bringing it over she set it on the couch and pulled it open. Azalea squinted her eyes in suspicion as Pam pulled out several boxes of hair dye.

𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐵𝒂𝑦𝒍𝑒𝒚 (𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now