10. 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴

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When Azalea took a quick shower and got dressed into something comfortable for the night, she left back to find Pam so they could leave and follow Sasha to the after party. Azalea suddenly entered catering and could see Pam talking with guess who? If you guessed Rhea Ripley then you couldn't be more correct. Azalea let out a breath and walked over, just stopping when she could hear their conversation. "Look I completely get it. Izzy is literally the best person ever and it's normal to have feelings, I know how you feel. She told me everything and I completely understand." Pam said, Azalea could pick out the genuineness in her voice so she knew Pam completely forgave Rhea.

"Thank you and sorry again, I literally didn't know what I was thinking, it was wrong of me. I get if you never want to see me again," Rhea said, Azalea sucked in her lips and let out a breath upset that Rhea was feeling this way. Azalea couldn't help but feel like it was her fault that Rhea caught feelings because Izzy was always a little too kind for her own good. "No, I forgive you and I would hope for us to become friends because you're a great person and I feel like we'd definitely get along. Just don't make a move on my girl," Pam joked, Rhea chuckled and nodded.

"Never again, don't worry." Rhea reassured, then Izzy decided to walk over. Azalea put on a close lipped smile and put her arm around Pam's waist, "So did you still want to continue training or is it gonna be awkward?" Azalea asked Rhea, "I'd love your help with training but I can't because they put me in NXT UK. Maybe when I get to NXT then we can start training up again." Rhea said, Azalea nodded understandingly, "Sure, but anytime you're here in the states call me up and we can hit the gym or something." Azalea said, Rhea nodded and Azalea shook her hand with a smile.

They said their goodbyes and Azalea and Pam walked over to Sasha who called them over. "Okay so don't hate me Izzy, but for the sake of your health I talked with the doctors and they said it's not best for you to go partying tonight. You should get as much rest as possible." Sasha said, Azalea groaned and threw her head back but that made her headache even worse. "I'll only listen because I don't really feel like partying anyway. So you two go have fun, I'll have someone drive me home." Azalea stated, getting a frown from Pam.

"No way, I'll miss it too. I much rather take care of you then go get drunk." Pam said, Sasha smiled at Pam's hovering. She always did this when Azalea was hurt and Azalea always did this when Pam got hurt so it was fifty fifty. "No you go and have fun, I'll be fine." Azalea reassured, Pam sighed in frustration, "No I'm gonna take care of you, otherwise what kind of girlfriend would I be?" Pam said, Azalea sighed and smiled. "Okay fine. Just let everyone know that we couldn't make it but we really wanted to," Izzy told Sasha, she nodded and hugged Pam before walking off to find Becky.

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