11. 𝘔𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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The next night was Smackdown Live that Azalea was scheduled to have a segment in with Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch. She personally wasn't happy about doing segments with Charlotte but she had to suck it up for now. Azalea was told she had to run out to help out Becky when Charlotte attacks so she was completely cool with that as it meant she get to beat up Charlotte. Now Azalea sat in medical with Pam, getting checked on before she would be cleared to go out and do the segment. She was supposed to be checked out every week until she was fully cleared so she was very annoyed with that but it meant her safety so she had to deal with it.

Sasha peeked in and Pam peeked up from her phone, "Hey Izzy, look I don't wanna stress you out but uhh Charlotte kinda asked me if you would meet her at catering," Sasha said, Azalea pursed her lips in thought and Pam sent her a look telling her it was okay if she didn't want to. "Okay, tell her I said okay," Azalea said, Sasha nodded and walked off to do just that. "Okay, your vitals are good you should be okay to do the segment," the doctor spoke, Azalea nodded and hopped off the table and Pam took her hand. "Thanks doc," Izzy mumbled before walking out with Pam.

As they made it to catering Pam looked awkwardly between the two, "I'll be at makeup," Pam mumbled. Azalea didn't take her eyes off Charlotte but nodded and Pam walked off. Azalea licked her lips and sat down across Charlotte. "You asked me here, what do you want?" Azalea asked, looking down at her nails, avoiding Charlotte's eyes. "I don't think we've had an actual conversation in months." Charlotte mumbled, Azalea nodded slowly and looked at her with a raised brow. "So what? You want to have a conversation? Think it's gonna change my opinion on you?" Azalea spoke, pursing her lips together.

"No, I don't think anything I say will change your opinion on me. But I know you felt something in that Royal Rumble the other night. You may not want to admit it but you did protect me from a serious injury back there so I just wanted to thank you," Charlotte explained. Azalea looked up and hid her emotions behind her eyes, the feeling of showing any emotion to Charlotte made her want to throw up so she didn't. "I was just doing my job, I would've done it for anybody," Azalea mumbled, not wanting to admit that she did save Charlotte from an injury.

Charlotte scoffed and Azalea raised a brow in response, "Yeah right. As if you didn't knock Summer Rae's tooth out when you two got into it." Azalea clenched her jaw and rolled her eyes, only very few people knew about that incident. "Look my point is, you could've let me get injured and you didn't, so I just wanna thank you for that." Azalea nodded and stood up, "That all?" She asked, Charlotte nodded softly and Azalea patted Charlotte's hand gently before leaving catering without a second thought.

Azalea made her way to makeup and sat down in one of the chairs, avoiding eye contact with Becky, Sasha, and Pam who all looked at her. "I can feel your stares," Azalea stated. "Good. What happened? Did she say somethin to you?" Becky asked. "She just thanked me from saving her from an injury at the Rumble, no big deal," Azalea shrugged, and Becky nodded, dropping the subject. Pam frowned as she seen a tear slip from Izzy's eye. Pam nudged Sasha and she looked at Izzy who now messing with the rings on her fingers. "She misses Char huh?" Sasha asked, Pam nodded sadly and they both sighed knowing despite how much she missed Charlotte, she would never agree to make up with her.

𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝐵𝒂𝑦𝒍𝑒𝒚 (𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now