❀ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ʜɪꜱ ʜᴏᴍᴇʟᴀɴᴅ❀

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It had been a few hours since Lumine and Paimon started for Mondstadt, the city of Wind and Freedom. On their way they saw a Dragon, soaring through the skies and into a forest, Lumine looked at the magnificent creature in awe. A while later, as they headed deep into the heart of a forest, they saw an unusual looking fellow who was talking to the same Dragon that they saw in the sky. 

Lumine's newfound Anemo powers started loosing control when she neared them. The Dragon noticed her and roared as it flew into the sky and that weird fellow vanished into thin air, the force of wind made Paimon clutch onto Lumine's hair which hurt really badly. ''Woah! Paimon likely would've been blown away if it weren't for your hair Lumi'' Paimon said as she shook her head multiple times to get rid of the leaves and small twigs that got in her hair. Lumine just looked at Paimon without saying anything hoping she would apologize for almost ripping her hair off. 

''Hey Lumine, you saw that guy talking to that dragon didn't you? Paimon hopes Paimon isn't seeing things'' She said with wide eyes. ''Is talking to dragons not normal in this world?'' Lumine asked as she looked at the nearby trees whose leaves were almost all gone.

Paimon looked at Lumine with a 'Your not serious are you?' expression on her face ''Of course not! Paimon thought that was obvious.'' Paimon said and motioned Lumine towards her ''Hey look! There is a weird red stone over there! Lets go check it out!'' Paimon said and trailed behind Lumine. The weird red stone looked dangerous so Lumine put it away in her pack and continued their journey towards Mond.

They were stopped(Again) by the voice of a girl screaming ''Hey you two! Stop right there!'' 'What? Are they talking to me and Paimon?' Lumine thought as she looked up at the girl who made a dramatic entrance by jumping off a seemingly small cliff but the way she landed was not so dramatic. 

''Oof! Oh, uh may the Anemo God protect you stranger! I am Outrider Amber of the Knights Of Favonius. Say you don't look like your from Mondstadt, so explain yourselves!'' Amber asserted in a friendly(?) tone. ''We are not looking for trouble! Promise!'' Paimon exclaimed ''That is what all the troublemakers say.'' Amber now looked even more suspicious of them and Lumine noticed the tension and quickly spoke ''Hey Amber, I am Lumine'' She waved at Amber who now looked at her.

''Lumine huh? It doesn't sound like a local name to me.. oh and what about this.. uhm mascot, what's the deal with it?'' Amber's attention turned to the so called mascot ''Emergency food'' Lumine said a little too quickly like she had practiced the introduction. ''HEY! That's even worse that being a mascot!'' Paimon cried, Lumine just smiled at her and turned to look at Amber ''uh-huh yeah, so to sum it up your traveling partners, correct?'' Both nodded their heads at the same time.

''Well, look there has been sightings of a large Dragon around the city of Mond, best you get yourselves inside the city as soon as possible, and it is not far from here so I will escort you!'' Amber looked cheerful now ''Oh wait I have to do some other work as well so please stay behind me, I still don't trust you two yet'' Lumine looked at Amber with a neutral expression and said ''That is a rude way to speak to guests, don't you think?'' 

''Oh, ahh.. sorry, I should not have said that as a Knight!'' Amber looked at the two of them and said ''I give you my sincerest apologies, uh.. strange yet.. respectable travelers..'' Lumine could only watch in amusement as Amber struggled to come up with  correct words. ''Hey! That apology sounded so fake!'' Paimon stomped her little feet in the air as Amber looked at her with an angry expression which looked quite scary ''Do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the Knights Of Favonius handbook!?'' 

Paimon looked scared and ducked behind Lumine who patted her head and asked ''When are we going to Mondstadt?'' Amber looked at Lumine, her scary expression seems to have changed, and said ''Oh that, please follow me!'' 

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