♥𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬♥

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''Ah! Welcome Aether, Lumine, I have been waiting for you two for quite a long time!'' Ayaka opened the door and giggled upon seeing her boyfriend, Aether and his sister, Lumine.

Aether gave her a wide grin and handed her a small bouquet of Tsubaki flowers, which the two twins picked out together thinking Ayaka will love them.


''Hey Lumi, Ayaka just called me and invited us over to her house⎯'' Aether just started but was quickly interrupted by ''Wow you really are a simp for her Aether'' Lumine snickered. 

''What do you mea⎯ Hey! First of all I am NOT a simp, and second of all, I want to get her some flowers.. You've known Ayaka more that me so tell me, what are her favorites?' ' Aether stared at her, as Lumine sat upright and moved to a 'thinking' position with her hand on her chin, ''Hmm, I don't know! She never really told me and I never really asked her!''

''You have known each other for how many years now? four? And you don't even know her favorite flower'' Aether deadpanned, ''Hmph! Let's just go to the store and see what flowers there are, and also Aether , you are a simp'' Aether's deadpan expression changed into one of anger as he tried to catch her, Lumine leapt from the sofa and started booking it across the living room, and soon they were running across their house, throwing random crap at each other like a remote, and a packet of chips as well as a pillow, with smiles on there faces and laughter filling the room.


So that is how they ended up in the supermarket and in front of a shop named 'Sakura's Flowers'  In bold letters, ''It looks very pretty'' Lumine stared in awe at the beautiful flowers on display, ''I don't know any of these flowers' names'' Aether replied to her statement, ''You know what? Same..'' Lumine grumbled as they went in.

Sakuya, the owner of the shop stood up hastily and made her way towards the twins ''Hello there! How may I help you? What flower would you like? Bouquet or not?'' She smiled at them, Aether and Lumine gave each other a look and said ''Uh well, please allow us to look around first'' Aether smiled back as Lumine tugged at his sleeve, ''Aethy, look! These are very pretty, they will suit Ayaka very much!'' Lumine nod her head

''Hmm, they are really pretty.. what is its name, Silk flower? Wait aren't they from Liyue? Ayaka is from Inazuma so we should find something from there no?'' Aether looked at the flowers in question '' Yeah, your right..'' Lumine looked around, ''Aether come!'' She ran off to one of the isles were there were red flowers in display ''Woah!'' Lumine tugged Aether ''Tsubaki huh? Lumine you have good taste'' Aether smiled, ''Boss! We'll take these, oh and please do make it a bouquet'' 


''Oh my! These are my favorites! How did you know?'' Ayaka gave them a smile which made Aether blush ''We didn't actually! Lumi was the one who showed them to me.. I thought they'd look pretty on you'' he mumbled which made Ayaka blush as she neared him and gave him a peck, Lumine was watching the whole thing while smiling, she was very happy that Aether found someone perfect for him. 

''By the way Lumine, thank you, you have immaculate taste in terms of flowers and many more things. I am grateful'' Ayaka gave her a small smile which Lumine returned, Ayaka motioned for them to step inside, she then grabbed Lumine's hand and dragged her away with her as Aether was left alone, he smiled thinking about how the two got along so well (Well they were friends before), and how Lumine had supported and helped him in confessing his love to her friend, Ayaka.

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