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''Ahh'' Lumine yawned as she stretched her hands above her head, ''Today was tiring'' She mumbled as she made her way to the kitchen, Aether was probably asleep right now as he said he had a date tomorrow, he didn't say 'who' the date actually was, it made Lumine wonder about the countless possibilities, was it one of her friends? When she asked him, he told her ''I'll tell you tomorrow'' and left. She sighed as she scanned through her fridge, she wasn't craving anything particular at the moment so she decided on eggs(Since she was lazy and they were easy to make). 

She broke the shell and poured the egg into a container and started mixing it with a small spoon, she was so close to falling asleep but she couldn't because she was hungry. As she poured the mixture onto the pan, she heard the sudden noise of their telephone ringing. It was quite late at night so Lumine was a little skeptical on whether or not to pick up the phone. Though she was very curious as she rushed to the living room and picked the phone up.

''Hello? Who is this?'' She asked into the phone, ''Hello Lumine, It's me Ei. I am sorry for calling you this late at night but.. I wanted to ask you for a favor'' Ei was one of her friends, she was a year older than her so they didn't have the chance to meet that often, She remembers that Aether and Ei hangout a lot and as it seems he was the one that introduced her to Lumine, ''Ei? It's alright and sure, what do you need?'' Lumine smiled through the phone, ''I am going somewhere tomorrow, but my brother is at home and I don't want to leave him there by himself'' Ei sighed into the phone, ''So if I may, could you please take care of him while I'm away?''

''Oh sure! May I ask when you'll be leaving so I can reach there on time?'' Babysitting wasn't that hard, kids loved her! One of her friends, Albedo had a younger sister named Klee and they would take care of her together. Klee loved her!  Albedo would often tell her how much Klee talks about her. Lumine couldn't help but puff out her chest in proudness.

''I'll be leaving 8:30 in the morning and Lumine, thank you'' Lumine could sense Ei's small smile, Ei definitely deserved a break, she was one of the most hardworking students after all, ''Okay and you're welcome! I'll be there at 8:15, is that okay?'' Lumine asked, ''Yes of course'' The two friends ended the call, Lumine marked the calendar, 'Both me and Aether would be busy tomorrow huh? I'll have to wake up early to make breakfast' At the mention of breakfast, Lumine's eyes widened ''Oh shit! MY EGGS''  

She rushed to the kitchen to see her eggs burnt ''NOOO!"

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯The next day

''Good morning sleepyhead'' Lumine greeted a very grumpy and sleepy Aether, ''Good morning Lumi'' Aether mumbled as he sat himself down at the table. The twins were very grumpy when they woke up, Lumine had kicked Amber in the face when she tried to wake her up once they had a sleepover, and Aether, even though he was the well behaved twin among the two, would not be afraid to throw hands if someone were to wake him up.

''What's for breakfast?'' Aether asked as he rubbed his eyes, ''Pancakes" Lumine said as she mixed the batter, ''Wow Lumine, I wanted pancakes today and you⎯'' Aether was now fully awake, ''You know Aethy, one student in my class said that the two of us share the same braincell'' Lumine puffed out her cheeks as she continued ''I'm starting to think that it's true'' She mumbled, ''We are twins, Lumi'' Aether said matter-of-factly.

''Oh! By the way.. who's your date?'' Lumine wiggled her eyebrows as she stared at Aether with a smug look, ''Uh⎯ It's Ei'' He murmured with a small blush on his face, ''EI!?'' Lumine gasped ''Aether I think we actually do share one braincell!'' Aether looked at her with a questionable look, ''You mean you predicted this?'' He asked as Lumine handed him a plate of pancakes, ''No I mean, Ei called me yesterday and told me to babysit her brother'' Lumine laughed as she sat herself down near to Aether, ''OH'' The two of them shared a look and bursted out laughing.

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