☀𝓜𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵☀

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Receiving a commission to assist the bartenders in Angel's Share was something Lumine never got except for that one time, though it wasn't a commission at all but some sort of academy as they called it, but today she did receive a commission, and she was quite excited too, now that she knew how to mix drinks, helping Charles would be a piece of cake!

Charles was getting old, so being by himself at the Tavern all day long was definitely not healthy. At all. He was a nice fellow as well, though he didn't give her wine or any sort of alcohol when she asked him to, she knew he was a kind man at heart.

At first Paimon also wanted to help, it was kind of nice to see her all pumped up because she was just too lazy all the time. But Katheryne stopped Paimon and told her that they didn't have the correct uniform for her and that she couldn't help. Paimon was really bumped out and because of that and Lumine had to comfort her companion, which didn't give any result in improving her mood.

'The final strategy, I think this should work No I know it will work!' Lumine nodded proudly at her newfound idea, ''Oh Paimon~'' she started in a sing-song voice ''I have too much Mora on my hands right now'' She pulled out her Mora pouch ''How about you go spend some money hm? This bag contains too much Mora, so it's a little heavy⎯'' Lumine gave Paimon a wink when she saw her growing smile, ''REALLY?! THANK YOU, THANK YOU LUMI! YOUR THE BEST! Paimon promises that she will save some food for you as well!'' Paimon chirped at her, Lumine, even though she bullied Paimon and teased her all the time, ultimately cared about her. She always wanted to see Paimon smiling. 

''Now wait just a minute'' Lumine gave Paimon the Mora pouch and said, ''I won't come back till very late as the Tavern closes at night, so you need to get yourself to the Knights' Headquarters, got it?'' She gave Paimon a stern look ''Of course!'' Paimon gave her a salute and headed off to Good Hunters'

Lumine couldn't help but laugh at her companions antics, she has to admit that Paimon was a real pleasure to be around. Katheryne cleared her throat as Lumine looked at her ''Please follow me to the dressing room, your uniform has been provided and the person who gave the commission asked the receiver to wear the specified cloths'' Katheryne finished as she led Lumine through a door were she saw some cloths stacked on top of each other.

Lumine waved at Katheryne as she bowed her head and left for the exit. There were two stacks of cloths, the first one she picked up seemed to be a butler outfit, it also had a note labeled ''For male helpers''  So she left it alone, the cloths for the females however was.. ''A MAID OUTFIT!?'' Lumine screeched. Oh boy, she was in for a ride, a maid outfit seemed normal at first but it wasn't even a Café no, it was a Tavern which was filled with drunkards left to right. Who may or may not have a fetish about maids.

Sighing she eyed the dress, it looked really cute, sure. She decided she would try it on and she did. It hugged all her delicate parts perfectly, it had a small headband, and the skirt of the maid dress came up to her mid-thigh, quite a lot of skin was visible to the eye, Lumine had never felt embarrassed when fighting with her battle dress on, then why was she feeling so embarrassed right now?!

Her cleavage was very visible, she tried her best to hide it but was unsuccessful. She looked at the socks provided, 'were they socks?'  she thought as she put them on quickly and started tying her shoes. ''It isn't that bad I guess'' She mumbled at her reflection on the mirror.

She headed out of the dressing room and towards Katheryne who looked normal, ''Hey Kat, you sure I have to wear this, it's quite revealing'' Lumine pleaded. Katheryne nodded her head ''I am sorry, but we have received instructions'' Admitting her defeat she made her way to the Tavern.

It was afternoon right now, so many people were still at work. That was a relief as there were less people on the streets right now, still she couldn't help the heat that made it's way to her cheeks. So she started speed walking, maybe just maybe, she could ask Charles to give her a different outfit. 'Yes! Charles would never say ''no'' At least, I hope he doesn't..' She thought as she neared the Tavern.

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