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Notes : Please read the warning before reading⎯

!ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ!  1ᴋ ʀᴇᴀᴅꜱ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ♥

This contains⎯ Smut, Very graphic descriptions, mentions of kidnapping (Though It isn't that bad)

If any of these trigger you, please stop reading immediately

I really don't know how to write smut and it is my first time, so sorry if it is not to tour liking! ^^;

 Anyway, please enjoy and thank you for 1k reads!


Where was he right now? His head was spinning, he couldn't properly see what was happening⎯ or where he was, he squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room. Was it a room to begin with? He tried to move but his hands and legs were tied with what seemed like ropes. He wiggled his body, trying to break the ropes and run free. Who was the one that captured⎯ or should he say kidnapped him? He was a cunning and mischievous man, then how did this happen? Who was capable of such deeds?

Being a high political figure in the land of Inazuma meant trouble, there were many crouching tigers and hidden dragons waiting for the right moment to strike, if he had ever showed vulnerability to anyone but his loved ones, he was sure to lose in the battle of politics. There were many people trying their best to weigh him down using different tricks and such but he never fell for any of them. He was smarter than most of the Clan leaders of Inazuma and he knew it. Was it a Clan head or was it Treasure Hoarders? Just who was smarter than him?

''Hmpf'' He grunted, still trying to break free from the ropes, he seemed to have moved around too much as he came crashing face first into the ground, his back arching, the position was a bit embarrassing for a Clan head to be in but he didn't have time to mourn about these trivial factors, all that was currently occupying his mind was that 'I need to get out before it's too late'

Suddenly he heard footsteps inching closer, the person it belonged to seems to have been wearing heels. 'It is a female' he noted, ''Kamisato Ayato, you're awake, good'' The voice of a female echoed throughout the room, she sounded very familiar, he doesn't know why but hearing her sound made him relax a bit ''Who are you? Why did you capture me?'' He asserted, his voice was a bit low since he was laying face first on the ground.

The female slowly came to stand in front of him, her stockings were visible to him, it looked oddly familiar, she bent down and tilted his chin upwards, ''Lumine? You⎯ What are you⎯?'' He stuttered, what was she doing here? 'Is she the one reliable for this?' Ayato scrunched his brows as he thought hard, Lumine noticed and cooed ''My, you look so adorable right now, also don't worry! It's my teapot, I remember telling you about it'' She walked away from him and turned the light switch on, it was a indeed a bedroom. The room was bigger than he thought it was, he looked around as she made her way back to him.

''Oh I see, may I ask why I'm tied? What are you going to do?'' Ayato couldn't help the blush forming in his face, he mentally slapped himself, he was blushing at a situation like this, 'Was the Traveler not the person I thought she was?' Lumine slowly guided him up into a sitting position and said ''Relax Ayato, I'm not gonna kill you or anything'' She smiled, Ayato felt a little scared at that, ''Lumine.. What are you saying?'' He managed to squeak out, he had never in his life felt like a prey being hunted but right now he did.

Lumine crawled onto his lap as Ayato stiffened, she hooked her hand around his neck and leaned into his ear, her lips ghosting over them and whispered, her voice low ''I'm gonna fuck you Ayato, I'm gonna squeeze you dry, I'm gonna rub your cock until the juices start to come out, I'm gonna make you cum multiple times, you want it too don't you?'' 

Ayato was stunned to say the least, the Traveler, who had the brightest smile on her face whenever they met, the one who would always help others⎯ This side of her was interesting, he was getting a little too excited, she was right, he wanted it too, her petite form, her curves, her breasts, her ass, everything. 

''It seems that you like dirty talk huh?'' She giggled, he had never felt this embarrassed in his life, he was hard and turned on. Lumine wasn't moving, it was too painful to just sit and do nothing, so he tried to rub his thighs together to create some friction, he let out a small moan as his hard-on came in contact with her heated core, his pants were wet, this was gonna be hard to wash off. 

''Pleasuring yourself huh Ayato?'' She giggled once more, ''Do you want me to help you?'' Ayato could only sigh as he laid his head on her shoulder, his breaths quickening. Lumine stood up as Ayato whined at the lack of contact, ''Shhh be patient now'' She gave him a small peck and untied his pants, he made a small noise and said ''This is quite embarrassing'' as he looked to the side, ''Yet I see desire in your eyes'' His cock was more on the longer side, Lumine smirked and grabbed his cock.

''Lumine.. isn't this⎯ isn't this moving a bit fast?'' Ayato said as he held his breath, Lumine slowly started to rub her hands up and down, ''Ngnh'' Ayato grunted as he tried to buck his hips upwards, ''If you keep moving, I'll stop'' Lumine gave him a warning, ''Please.. f-faster'' He begged, ''Look at you O mighty Commissioner, you're like putty in my hands'' Lumine feigned an innocent look, ''Only to you.. ngh'' Hearing that Lumine gripped harder. 

''What if someone saw you like this? What will you do then?'' She teased his tip, he moaned at that and huffed, ''You are rather being unfair, no?'' He grunted as her rhythm changed yet again, ''Hm am I now? I'm pleasuring you Ayato'' She giggled at his small moans and grunts, his hair was all messy, his eyes a bit watery and face all flushed red, he looked very pretty before but seeing him like this was breath-taking.

''Is this your first time Ayato?'' She asked as she retreated her hand from his leaking tip which made Ayato let out a small noise in complain, ''Y⎯ Yes it is'' Ayato never really had time for relationships let alone pleasuring himself, he had only felt these feelings quite recently, when he had been with the Traveler, ''I see'' Lumine murmured as Ayato whined, she brought her hand back to his hard-on.

''Ngh.. I⎯ Lumine.. mmh'' He moaned, ''I'm gonna.. I'm gonna come⎯'' He announced as he grunted and bucked his hips, the pool of heat in his stomach was coming undone, Lumine started rubbing at a faster pace, ''Come on Commissioner, come for me'' She said and watched as he huffed, soon his cum was shooting almost everywhere, in her dress, in his dress and the wooden floor, Ayato collapsed onto her as she stroked his hair ''You did good'' She murmured into his ear.


The Yashiro commissioner was the type of person who could make anyone fall on their knees and beg for mercy, he was spoiled and he knew it, he got everything he asked for, everyone obeyed him and if they didn't? He made them. Though the Traveler was a different case, she didn't care about just 'who' he was, he had used to spy on her using the Shuumatsuban, from what he gathered she was an easy-going person who said what was on her mind.

This is what led to him being attracted to her, even after she had learned about his identity as the Yashiro Commissioner, one of the most powerful people of Inazuma, she still hadn't talked to him any differently than she did to her companion. She teased him here and there and cared a lot about him.

That is what he liked most about her. Though today he got to see another side of her which he very much enjoyed.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯The End⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

Notes : This was fun to write, my first time writing a full on smut one-shot, it is actually so embarrassing to write smut scenes lmao

I decided on Ayatolumi because It's the first ever one-shot on the book! Sooo for the 1k special I decided on them, but don't worry, in the future fics, I'll make sure to add the other characters ^^

Thank you all for the support ♥♥

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