❣𝗔 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁❣

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Tomorrow was Thoma's birthday and boy was he excited, he couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow, if 'she' would be there. Thoma sure hopes she is. All Thoma had left to do was wash some dishes and to clean the floor, easy enough. He took a small mop and started cleaning, 'I wonder if she's free, well if she is then I'm sure she'll come!' He happily started humming a tune while cleaning the floor. 

After doing that he went to the kitchen to clean the dishes, 'It seems Milady and Milord are asleep' he thought as he washed the dishes, sometimes he would blow a bubble or two made from the soap, there were quite a lot of dishes to clean but Thoma didn't care about any of that, he found joy in doing housework, that and fighting were what he was good at after all.

After putting the cleaned dishes in their rightful places, he went to take a bath in an Ofuro. He had already filled the tub with warm water. He removed his coat and hair accessories and started stripping in the bathroom. He stretched which made his muscles flex as he let out a small noise of pain 'Oh shoot! I need to get that checked' He thought as he rubbed at his shoulders, he carefully walked across the floor to the bathtub and shrunk himself into the water.

''Mm.. feels good'' He said while sighing with a smile on his face. 


After the bath he took a cloth and dried himself, it was a little hot that day so he decided he'll just wear his trousers while sleeping but then it dawned on him 'WaitIf I recall correctly, Milady and Milord were the ones to wake me up in the morning on my previous birthdays so it will probably be the same tomorrow' he thought, well now he has to wear a shirt. He dug around his room and found a suitable shirt and put it on.

He made himself comfortable on his bed and stared at the ceiling ''Oh I can't sleep! This is so exciting! My first birthday that's going to be celebrated with Lumine'' He probably had a lovestruck smile on his face ''I should ask her to join me for some food, hmm maybe I should make some food for her.. Yes! She'll love it!'' He let out a small laugh and buried himself with his cover, a small blush taking over ' I should get some sleep if I wanna stay awake all day' He thought as he fell into slumber


''Wake up Thoma!'' Ayaka's voice rung in the small room as Thoma slowly rubbed his eyes as he sat upright, his hair sticking out ''Happy birthday Thoma'' Ayato smiled at him.

'' What ⎯ Oh!'' Thoma was fully awake now, ''Ah Milady, Milord, thank you'' He smiled at the two Kamisatos, ''Please get dressed, we have the cake ready'' Ayaka held a gentle smile which made Thoma smile back at her, ''Of course Milady'' Soon after the two of them left while Thoma was alone in his room.

'Maybe she's waiting for me outside' He tried to peek through the door to see if the renowned traveler was anywhere there, but he couldn't properly see through the cracks.

He quickly got dressed and rushed out the door to the front where Ayaka and Ayato were waiting for him, he was quite shy to ask them if Lumine was here but he genuinely wanted to know, so ''Milord, is Lumine uh.. here ?'' He looked at his lord hopefully, but Ayato shook his head and said ''Sorry Thoma, but she couldn't make it, she's a busy person after all'' Thoma was really sad, he was looking forward to spending some quality time with the traveler⎯ who was in fact his first ever crush.

Thoma nods his head sadly, ''Thoma, brother come! Let's celebrate'' Ayaka brought out the cake, and motioned them over. He blew out the candle on top and served the cake to the two Kamisatos.


Thoma wouldn't say the party was bad at all, he felt really happy that he got to spend some time with his family but he couldn't help but feel lonely . He knew he was selfish, he had already caused so much trouble for poor Lumine, who just wanted to find her brother. He sighed as he roamed around Ritou, waving and smiling at random people who yelled 'Happy Birthday!' to him. 

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