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I stirred as soon as I heard footsteps. "Luke, someone's in the house" all he did was pull me closer. As I got comfy again something landed on the bed and Luke instantly sat up. "Elton" the biggest smile formed on his face as the dog jumped on him. "Good morning" Sam appeared at the door and my face instantly burned up.

Luke was too invested in Elton to acknowledge his brother. "Was my baby a good boy for Uncle Sam" "was you a good boy?" "Did you get spoilt?" Luke kept saying to Elton, like he was talking to a baby. Guess it's time to get up.

I followed Luke down stairs and Sam instantly started laughing. "Sharks shirt already?" I completely forgot I was in Luke's clothes. "You must be special, he doesn't share any of his sharks clothes" Luke threw daggers at Sam. "Anyway I don't want to interrupt your little love nest" "Sam shut up, but stay if you want Erin's cooking breakfast" I forgot about that too.

"Can't beat a cooked breakfast before training" Sam flashed a grin at me as I  disappeared into the kitchen. Luckily I could still hear everything that was being said. "So, you and Erin? I knew something was going on" Sam started. "Its early days and at the moment, we're just friends but I don't know what the future holds for us" Lukes voice was quieter than Sams. "I'll tell you one day but all she needs is someone to be there and I'll always be there for her" I smiled at Luke's words.

Of course, I had to search every cupboard for anything to cook. As I opened one cupboard, the loudest bang echoed through the house. How hard is it to stack the pans properly? "You ok?" Luke rushed to my side. "Yeah, you just need to learn to put things away properly" I laughed. "This house definitely needs a woman's touch" Sam raised his eyebrow at Luke who pushed him back into the living room.

Elton wouldn't leave my side, everytime Luke called him he ran back into the kitchen. "Its probably because you've got food" Luke shouted through the rooms. I managed to make nearly a full English, despite missing things like mushroom and black pudding. So it was pretty much bacon, egg, sausage and hash browns.

The three of us sat at the table. "While I'm at training, I put Elton in doggy day care. But you can stay with him or stay here if you want" I shrugged as I had a mouthful of food. "Well it looks like Elton likes her already" Sam laughed as three of us looked at Elton, who was curled up by my feet.

"That was delicious" Luke of course was the first one to empty his plate. "You need to stay here more often" Sam added. "We'll see, I'm sure Luke has had enough of me by now" I laughed with Sam. Luke looked offended.

"Sam, give me a hand with Erin's bags" I started to clear up breakfast as Luke and Sam started bringing the bags and boxes in the house. "Take what you need and then I'll load it back to the car" Luke huffed as he dropped the boxes on the floor. "Thanks" I shouted. "Right love birds, ill see you at training Luke and I'll see you again soon Erin" Sam left and Luke joined me in the kitchen.

"You know dogs can sense when someone's pregnant?" Luke stared at Elton who was following me around. "What?" Luke nodded. "That's why he hasn't left my side" I started looking through the boxes and pulled out some clothes and toiletries. "Is it ok if I jump in the shower?" I asked Luke. "Why did you even ask? Of course it is" he smiled. My face instantly burnt up.

Why did Luke's clothes feel more comfy than my own? I looked in the mirror and admired the tiny little bump that was growing. "You ready?" Luke knocked on his own bedroom door which made me laugh. "Yeah, you can come in" he slowly opened the door. "Are you staying here, while I'm at training?" I shook my head. "Can you drop me home?" Luke looked sad. "Yeah sure"

He dropped me home with Elton. "I'll drop your stuff round later after training?" Luke kissed me on the head "I'm only one call away Erin" I nodded and got out the car. Elton had already made it to the front seat.

"Erin we've been worried sick, Conor rang to say you've took all your stuff" Mum opened the door before I could even get my key out. She ushered me inside. "Where did you go?" I couldn't work out if she was angry or worried. "Why didn't you come home?" "I stayed with Luke, it was too late to disturb you by time I got back" she wrapped her arms round me.

"Don't ever do that again!" I felt like a child again. "So where are you going to live?" My face scrunched up. "Here?" I looked between my parents. "There's no room, for you and a baby" my dad barely made eye contact with me. "We downgraded when we moved here" my mum continued to explain My dad's statement.

"Why don't you go back to law school at weekends and work with me in the week?" My dad always wanted me to follow in his footsteps. "That way you can afford a home" my dad was always the direct one. "You've blew your chances with Conor and he was one of the good guys" my mum rolled her eyes at me.

"Conor wasn't one of the good guys" I stared through my parents. "He is a good guy and Lizzie is lucky to have him. You just never gave him a chance" yet again my mother sticking up for Conor. "You don't know Conor as well as you think you do" my parents scoffed at my reply.

Dad raised his voice "This is why you've got yourself In this situation. You're on your own with this one" he took a breathe. "Don't come crying back to us, because you screwed up again" and with that I stormed out the door.

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