A Whole Lot of Lies

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Where the fuck is Bobby?

After the girls have a meltdown stressing about Priya – let's face it, there's really no reason for them to stress when I'm the one she's obviously gunning for – they all flood out to the garden again, going to hunt down their men, no matter how much they aren't vibing. Marisol, I'm looking at you.

Though, I can hardly blame her for being worried. She needs to get a grip if she wants to stay in. Right now, I obviously need Priya to be the girl dumped, but if it's not going to be her, better it be someone like Hope or Hannah, who are actual threats to the crown.

Marisol needs to get grafting, and not just because it could make her look like a bitch and make her unsympathetic, but I actually kind of like her. I can't blame her for not being interested in Ibrahim, either. No doubt if he had hit her with the same horrendous golfing based pick-up like he tried to work on me, she wouldn't have deemed him so mysterious. The only mystery about Ibrahim is the length of his nine iron, and considering there's plenty others going around, I'm not about to put up with golf talk to find out.

He'll probably be making bank, though. I like that.

Still. I shouldn't be concerning myself with the size of Ibrahim's anything while I still have my own mystery on hand. Where the fuck is Bobby?

Ah. There he is. In a crowd of the others all chilling at the beanbags. Would it be too much to go and share Bobby's? If that's how I'm feeling, that's how I'm feeling, right? To be all cute like that? Still, would it be too much? I don't want to actually push Bobby away by being too much too soon. God, he really owes me some massive thanks for putting in all this thought and effort to get us that crown.

Fuck it. I stay in the kitchen and get eyeballed by Priya who's been taken for a chat with Hope onto the daybeds. God, she's so obsessed with me.

That's when Rocco gets a text, telling us we've got to play Two Truths and a Lie. Oh for fucks sake.

Why oh why? I'm trying my best not to be caught out in any lies here, I don't need to be playing a game centred around them.

While everyone heads over to the firepit, I do my best to think up something worthwhile. It's got to be interesting, but not too interesting enough that people are going to press me about it.

As much as I want to sit and decipher how everyone plays, picking up their lies, their tells, what they deem could be seen as true about themselves, I have to concentrate on keeping up my image here.

That gets a bit hard when, the very first round, Hope falls out with Noah.

"What does 'too much of a lady' mean?" Hope remarks, talking about Noah's comment regarding her being chucked out of a waterpark, something I very, very much see happening to Hope (too much of a lady, what? Honestly, who does Noah think he's getting into bed with?).

Is this my place to patch things up for them? Remind them that they're just getting to know each other, and this game is all about these little things? Ugh. Peacemakers make me sick. Grow a fucking backbone and let the world burn some.

"It was just an off-handed comment," I say, kind of hoping Hope will snap at me. "I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it."

Unluckily, before Hope can round on me, Noah speaks up, taking my comment to levitate himself back into Hope's good books, thus keeping their couple vying for the top spot.

"Yeah, babe, sorry, I guess I just wasn't thinking," he says, looking sorrowfully at Hope.

"It felt loaded," she replies, doing her best to leech the sympathy onto herself instead of trying to patch up for the cameras.

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