Deal Sealed

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Bobby is already in bed. He's chatting away to the others, but when I come in, that promptly stops as he takes me all in.

"Mmm, Georgie," he says, bedroom eyes on full alert, "you are killing it in that outfit. I don't know if I want you in it or out of it more."

I get on my knees, climbing up the bed like that, basically straddling him while giving him a most excellent view of my cleavage. I do note every flicker of his excitable eyes. When I get close enough, his hands take hold of my sides, brushing my dressing gown behind my hips. I sit right down on him so his dick is between my legs. I can feel it twitch. Or, try to, anyway.

I glance over to see Gary watching, but in a way that makes it like he isn't watching, but also, he's not very good at hiding it, so he's very clearly watching. Lottie pouts at him for this. All of it leaves me feeling pretty satisfied.

Falling elegantly, I drape along the bed, putting the room to my back. It also conveniently makes the dressing gown fall right down my back, leaving the other's with a view of my ass. And they are most fucking welcome.

I sidle right up to Bobby and go straight to kissing him, making up for our interruptions earlier. My hand snakes over his waist, settling on his ass as I bring my leg up over his. It brings back the memory if him grinding his leg against me earlier, of how fucking close we had been to doing it. If it weren't for those bitches. I'll get them back, though, and I'll make up for time lost with Bobby.

Before I can help myself, I'm on top of Bobby again, my hair falling to curtain us in against the chattering and gossiping of the other's. He kisses me back hungrily and we're breathing deeply, teeth biting one another's lips, pulling and prying in turn, right up until my tongue is in his mouth, keeping him down.

He brings his leg up between my legs, carefully rubbing up against me while we're right in front of everyone. I take one of his hands, locking his fingers in mine and pin it to the top of the bed. My other hand is feeling up his chest and can feel this heart thumping away.

Bobby clearly loves a bossy girl to push him around in the bedroom. I'm happy enough to give him that.

"Honestly, get a room!" Priya shouts, but it's gigglier than it is bitchy.

Slowly, my tongue retracts from inside his mouth - where he hadn't even put up a fight for dominance - and as I do, I sink into another kiss. He bites on my lip again, making me moan. At the sound, Bobby's hip flinches under me.

He's hard as fuck already and I'm grinding my clit against him without being obvious, but fuck I just want to let loose. He rubs his thigh into the back of me, riding against my slit and ass; his free hand has me pushing down more, desperate for more, not letting me let up.

He breaks our hungry kissing, nuzzling his face into the side of mine, to say, "I'm thinking we make this more private." He finishes up by kissing along the side of my cheek, softly with each one, showing some tenderness among all the hot and heavy longing.

My free hand goes in between us and strokes his hard on over his shorts, making him groan out loud, right into me. The vibration, the soft muttering, it kills me, and I just want to feel him inside of me.

Mumbling, he grunts out, "Georgie," under his breath, right into my ear. It sounds so fucking good, and with his hands gripping into me as he does it, my eyes are nearly rolling into the back of my head.

"Do that again," I tell him, nudging his face to the side so I can kiss him all over it, biting his ear and getting him all along his jaw.


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