Tickle Me Sick

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TW: a throw-away comment is made in Georgie's thoughts regarding self harm.

Thanks to my besties @pearlbracelet and to @crimswnred 💕💕

A slime challenge. Biggest, deepest, sincerest, and most ardent and vehemently uuugggghhhhhhh.

As if. This is honestly the last thing I need. Why am I being punished so much? This is the worst thing to happen to anyone, I could literally cry. If this doesn't come out of my hair then I'm going to sue not only the show, the network, but the everyone who tuned in to see, too.

Physically, I am in the Villa, but emotionally, spiritually, I am in the limbo of my own making. These types of disgusting, gross out challenges are to be expected, but still, I would take slashing my own wrists over any potential damage to my hair. Why do you think I've avoided that chlorine infested pool so far? Ugh. Just no.

After my brunch with Bobby, the afternoon really, really hasn't shaped up to anything decent. Hanging with the girls is always a drag, especially now Hannah isn't here. Like, who are my people? The girls are fake enough, don't get me wrong, but not in any enjoyable way, and I've got no 'buddy' to sit with and make fun of them for their fakeness either. Maybe Marisol ... but she's already proven not to be the biggest thinker, and I can't guarantee she won't completely sell me out the moment she spies some decent dick.

Priya is out of the question, and Lottie is more grating than a grater. Then there's Hope. Hope, Hope, Hope. After everything that happened with Noah yesterday, I can't help but eye her under a new lens.

I already knew she was fake. She's got the whole 'first-day-power-couple' thing and she thinks she's golden, her only threat being ... well, me.

And Bobby, but like, it's me, really.

So far, Hope and I have managed to be fairly friendly, but now every time I look at her, my stomach churns with distrust. She and Noah are in this together, and I'm not about to be deceived. Again. It doesn't help that she's ... different, somewhat. Outwardly, she's still friendly enough, but you know how it is with girls: everything has a deeper meaning.

Just after brunch, Hope commented on my outfit. I hadn't realised the other girls wanted to change – not sure why that is, and I'm not sure why I never got an invite, but I was avoiding Gary, so maybe there's that – but her comment really irked me at the time.

"You're one of those girls, Georgie," she had said.

When I quirked my eyebrow, asking, "What girls?" Despite how hard I tried to edge out any hostility in my tone, I still heard it seeping in.

"The kind that can just wear the same thing over and over and still look amazing."

That bitch.

"Thanks a lot, Hope!" I beamed, being sure to add a little 'aww' as well.

Fucking cow. Callous bitch. Honestly, who do these girls they are to get away with talking to me like that? The only Islander who has had the sense to stay in their lane with me is Ibrahim, who I've barely spoken two words, too. He's not overly chatty with the girls in general, besides Priya, so if I make a point of befriending him, then he should at least back me up if there's ever a vote.

Anyway, that drama was at least five minutes ago. We're at the challenge area for the first time. It's a deck with a cheaply made set and a literal paddling pool filled with slime. Bobby, of course, is in his element.

Even after the reveal that the grand prize is just a fucking ice lolly, everyone goes fucking bananas, declaring how much their going to win. 'Luxury' is tacked on the front, but I cannot imagine they've got the real, real luxurious ice lollies. The most this lot can come up with for luxury is imagining it's the ones with a little sorbet in the middle. Come to me again when you're eating golden flaked chocolate covered hazelnuts on dulce de leche ice cream.

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