Morning Glory

36 3 20

"Bobby ... Bobby," I whisper, voice sultry, between delicate bites at his ear. He stirs some more as gave one light, but steamy lick across his skin. "Bobby, do you want a blow job?"

His breath shudders, a flinch pulling between his brows, and he hums out pleasantly. It's a moment before his eyes peak open, and my hand snakes to his morning wood. His breath is hot on my lips, we're barely an inch apart.

"Go on, then," he says, voice thick, eyes still blearily half shut.

I push a kiss to his lips before I steal under the duvet. I don't play around like last night; my only plan is to give him the best wake-up call he's going to get in this Villa – and then when the new bitch of a bombshell is strutting about trying to graft and flirt, he's not going to be as riled up.

God, I hope this new bombshell goes for Rocco or Gary. Then Lottie and Marisol will be delightfully scrambling at their heels. Or if she went for Ibrahim after everything with Priya, that would be hilarious. Then again, watching Noah crumble and ruin his gameplan with Hope would be such a joy. Jeez, I just can't make my mind up over which of these people I want to see fucked over more.

It's slow, but I sense Bobby waking up more and more. He's softer with his hands in my hair, stroking me rather than taking great big handfuls. He doesn't face-fuck me, but caresses my cheeks, his fingers brushing gently across my skin. There's no urgency in him this morning, and there's not as much for me to prove either. This is ... settling in.

Bobby better get used to it, though. While we're in the Villa, I'll happily blow his morning wood so long as he sticks to the plan.

He's quieter this morning than last night, his moans soft; he's turning into the side, against the wall, away from the room, as he grunts and groans softly, his breathing laboured as he makes more of an effort to keep himself quiet. He lets out the cutest sigh after I make him cum.

Clearing his throat, he gently tugs me, urging me up even as I'm already on my way. He half turns on his side facing me while I slot myself in under his arm, hoisting one leg over his hips.

"Good morning, Georgie," he grins. He sighs out, "Where have you been all my life?"

"Practicing," I say and he snorts with laughter.

It quietens down as he steals his lips down my neck, nudging me to open up to him. I allow it for a moment, but then nudge him off me again delicately. It's slight, but he gets the hint, pulling back.

"I need to go out for a smoke," I say. "Then brush my teeth."

Bobby takes my chin, turning me to face him, and kisses me. It's soft and sweet, and quickly opens to more. He stops, looking me in the eye with the gorgeous hazel colour of his own. It's like the sun is setting in his eyes, they're so beautiful. How he's never managed to hold down a good girl, I don't get it. Maybe it's because he must always go for bitches like me, who end up destroying his confidence and making him feel like he doesn't deserve any better.

Welp. Looks like things aren't changing for him anytime soon. No good girls in sight. Even if I hadn't gone for Bobby, I cannot picture him with any of those other bitches in here. If I'm not bloody good enough for him, none of them certainly are, and I would absolutely tell Bobby that if I wasn't trying to appear ... ugh ... nice.

"Let me return the favour," he says, brushing the tip of his nose against mine. He does it three times in turn, going slow and soft, and we both end up with smiles bursting onto our faces at the same moment. We both look away, giggling.

God, I cannot let him get the better of me. He's too cute for his own good. He's too cure for my own good. I cannot deal.

I quickly gather my dressing gown from the floor and shove it on under the covers over my naked body.

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