Mr & Mrs See You Next Tuesday

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"Did someone get a text?" I ask, head perking up from where I'm chilling out on the daybed with Marisol, Gary, and Rocco.

"Yeah, think it was me," Gary says, already reaching for his phone.

We wait as he gets sorted, the other Islanders heading over. I'm pissed to see Bobby walking with Priya, the pair of them chatting quietly, enough to make me regret have a 'chill' day where I let things play out so it doesn't feel like I'm breathing down Bobby's back. If worst comes to worst, I've got Gary as a safety net, and I can work that scorned-lover-victim angle. Hadn't expected that from Bobby, but he is a boy at the end of the day. Never rely on a boy.

"Islanders," Gary reads out, and I pretend not to notice Bobby and Priya still together in the crowd of the others, sure to shuffle a little closer to Gary. It's only then that I notice Lottie staring at me with a face like a slapped arse. God, there is no winning with these dickheads. "How well do you know your other half? It's time to find out in today's challenge. Hashtag, you don't even know me. Hashtag, who even are you."

In the midst of all the nervous, disbelieving laughter, over all the cries of 'oh my God', I eye Bobby and Priya again, safely under my reflective shades.

He looks to her, half his teeth exposed in a grin, "Well, here comes Team Briya."

"Briya? Yes, I love it!" She says, raising her hand for a high five. God, what the fuck is it with her and high-fiving Bobby right in my face like they really are some sort of team? It's so disrespectful, I hate it so much. Honestly, and fuck Bobby for putting up with it, too.

He high-fives her back. "You know, I take that back actually," he says, pausing as the others walk around them, many of them eyeing them knowingly. My heart races as I stand with Marisol, getting closer, so not having to try so hard to hear them over the others. "I think I prefer Pobby."

What the fuck? No. Like, really? What the actual fuck is he talking about? Why the fuck is he acting cute and making these little inside jokes with her, establishing a couple name already? Even the fake little fuckheads Hope and Noah haven't even got a couple name yet. Uuuuuuuugggggghhhhh. What did I do to deserve Bobby?

Marisol bumps into my hip with hers just before we pass them. Thankfully, they've started walking ahead, maybe both hoping to avoid me, and have their backs to us. I glance at Marisol, my ponytail swinging behind me.

"Chin up," she says, "and remember, may the best woman win."

I smile, trying to show appreciation, but truthfully I would much rather set this place on fire right now.

"Georgie," Hope says, handing me a stack of cards. I see her glancing at the contents of the one facing her, the fucking cheat. "Here; I assume you'll be hosting since you're the single one."

I plant a small smile at the corners of my mouth. "I guess so," I say, taking the cards without thank her. "Is everyone set?" I ask as I watch them all take their seats along the firepit bench.

A chalkboard with a neon pink boarder has been placed at the head of the firepit, each couple given their own column for me to chalk up with scores in. It takes everything in me not to do something petty to Bobby and Priya's, like draw some stink lines or a bum.

"Right, so it's time to test how well you all know your partners in today's challenge," I say, relishing the thought of seeing Briya, Pobby or poopy or whatever they're called, losing. "This is a game of Mr and Mrs, and Mr Misters are up first. So, simple enough to start with, boys, but where was your girl born?"

The five girls begin scribbling at once, but only Noah ducks his head down to start answering from the boys section. Bobby has his sunnies on, but I see him looking up at me, brows furrowing.

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