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"Do you guys see what I'm talking about now?" Lottie asks as a small group of us girls sit around on the beanbags after our showers (I did not get to share one with Bobby, but everyone was hanging about an in a rush to get the slime off, so even if we did, I still wouldn't have been able to make it as sexy as I want). "With Priya, I mean."

Priya is excluded once again, and no one even had to say anything. Maybe she just doesn't want to be around Lottie, which I can't blame her for. Lottie's meant to be my friend but even I think she's a massive bitch.

"I really think she just got confused, babe," Marisol says, voice soft. Hmm, you speak up for Priya when she's not around, but you had fuck all to say when Lottie was spitting venom at me. Something to remember and never, ever forget.

"I wonder whether Ibrahim sees it that way," Lottie says, breaking into a mean little smirk. God, this bitch really does love her drama. Also, for a girls-girls feminist, I'm astounded at how loud and proud she is of trying to drop the rest of the girls in. We're not even a week in and I think Lottie is the only one of us that's found a way to rub each girl up the wrong way. That's the type of girl-supporting-girls I can get behind. "Maybe I should ask him?" She gloats, looking around us like she's done something.

What I wouldn't give to remind Lottie that last night she was kissing Gary. Looks like it's time to have some fun.

"Put your money where your mouth is and go for it, hun," I say, fluttering my lashes innocently. "Noah and Ibrahim are close, so what would you want us to do if it were, say, Hannah, who had gone behind your back like that? Not that she ever would, you know, she was just such a sweetheart. She would never even think of doing what they did today. Not only because she just, like, liked Gary so much so couldn't even look at anyone else, but because she's a good person, too." I smile at Lottie. "Right?"

Lottie looks like she's going to puke.

The producers better eat that up because it was an absolute joy to bring to the table.

Throwing her hair back, Lottie sucks it up, saying, "I bet Ibrahim's pissed."

With a worrying expression, Hope says, "Please don't, hun. Like Georgie so helpfully pointed out, Noah and Ibrahim are good friends. This would only cause problems."

"Please, I'm solving this problem."

"Lottie ... I'm asking as a friend."

"Wait, are you invoking..."

"Girl code? Yes."

Lottie scoffs, slumping back in her seat. "Dammit! Fine... well." Her eyes narrow back on me. "How about when Georgie was getting all up in Noah's business? That wasn't cool, babe. I really, really thought better of you."

I narrow my eyes right back. "Why are you singling me out?"

Lottie reels. "Singling you out? You were –"

"I was doing the challenge. Just like you, when you were grinding up against Bobby to make green," I counter. I'm not about to let her get away with being a hypocrite to me, right to my face. If she wants to be a cunt, she can do it behind my back like real friends do. "And when Marisol was up against Rocco, and when Hope was up against Ibrahim, and Priya actually had to get up on Bobby, too! My guy was the one who most of you lot needed, but you don't hear me having a fit and getting pissy. I understand why you've called out Priya, because she was doing it when it wasn't necessary, but I haven't done any worse than any of you!"

There's a moment of quiet; Lottie looks livid, mouth agape; Hope's eyes are wide, her fingers sprawled over her mouth like she's got something to say but is holding back, and Marisol's wide eyes keep flitting about us all.

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