Daze Off Part Two

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Lucas' voice bends around the corner of the small brick building that houses the rankest toilets I have ever seen in my life, and I've been to Glastonbury.

I leap from Gary like he's got leprosy. He has a moment to take in the shock on my face, his gaze lingering on my eyes - now I'm not so sure I want to look like I've done a convincing 'bitch been crying' face. Fuck, damn, shit, cunt.

Lucas rounds the corner, sees Gary and I, and I see the thoughts pinging around his mind. We've obviously just come from some sort of embrace. I'm panicking until Lucas really takes a look at my face, and I see the shock. He's reaching a hand out to delicately touch my arm. It's fleeting, just for a second, but the care he shows towards me makes me fucking wet, I won't lie (in this instance).

"Georgie, is everything okay?" He asks, voice high in alarm.

I make a show of brushing under my eyes, hoping to sell this shit to Gary and packaging it up as something else to Lucas.

"I'm fine," I tell him. "We're just chatting. I'll, um -" I turn to Gary, making myself act all embarrassed and awkward. "I'll talk to you later, maybe."

His eyes flick over to Lucas. "Mate, you couldn't give us another minute?"

Oh no, don't invoke the gentleman in him. Fuck. I gotta act quick before I'm stuck. "It's okay," I say, hand darting out to clutch at Lucas' wrist. He looks down at my hand, a little startled. "We'll talk another time, Gary - I'm not - I just want to get back to the beach."

"I'll walk you back if you want?" Lucas asks, like he's not really sure if that is the best thing he can do for me right then. God, even when he's got no clue, he's still doing all he can to put my needs first. He gives the best head, I can already tell.

Gary audibly swallows. "Yeah ... Georgie, that cool? I think I need a minute to sort my head out."

Oh, for fucks sake, Gary. Way to make it look even more like there's something between you and me. I mean, that's what I want him to think, but not Lucas. God, I'm going to have to do damage control here and fucking stat.

The look Lucas gives me makes me just want to pull his shorts down and let him slap me in the face with his dick, but I can't do that until we're somewhere private. As we head off, I play into the sad and emotional vibe I'm giving and curl right up to him. He takes the bait and weaves his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in close.

"You don't have to tell me what that was about, but I mean, I could maybe help?" He offers, once the stinky bathroom is mostly out of sight.

"Oh, it's nothing to do with me ... not really," I say, thinking of how to spin this. "It's Lottie. I don't know if you know this - Gary was just telling me, but apparently he and Lottie kissed at some point."

There's a pause before he draws out a long, "Yeah." I flutter my eyes to look at him like that's surprising when any idiot would guess he knows since, you know, he's seen the show. "That was a big moment. The biggest drama to happen before Henrik and I came in."

"Oh my God, no way," I say, like this is totally new information. "I can imagine it was so much bigger than my drama with Priya."

"Oh, yeah, you have no idea, blew it right out the park," he says, not realising that it kind of pisses me off.

So, the drama was on me for just long enough to highlight that I stole Priya's ex, but just as I was winning back sympathy and getting my redemption, the drama focused on Lottie. God, she really needs to be brought down to her knees.

We're in the middle of the trees, enough light seeping in from the sparse layout that we aren't consumed in darkness. And we're alone. No cameras. No Islanders. No mics. Will I ever get an opportunity as golden as this?

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