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If Priya really thought her betrayal in picking Bobby was going to do her any favours, she was severely wrong. I've not been without sympathetic ears since she picked him, and you can bet that I'm lapping it all up.

Hannah worries that she was going to go for Gary despite the decision already having been made, showcasing just how self-involved she really is. It's about me, Hannah, okay? Lottie remarks that Priya shouldn't have gone for anyone, instead just opting to leave, which – yeah, I agree with. That's not the game, though, and I'm left wondering if Lottie has ever actually sat down and watched the show before.

Hope comes in to back Priya up, reminding Lottie what show we're all on. Thank God someone else is talking sense. Then she comes out with this little nugget, "Having said that, I am sorry that it was you, Georgie, who's been left single. I really like you, hun."

I smile appreciatively, so her sentiments look mutual.

"Yeah, we're all sunshine and rainbows as long as nobody's taking Noah, right, Hope?" Lottie cuts in, showcasing her undercurrent of hypocrisy.

How juicy would it be if Lottie made moves on Noah? After all her venting about being the girls-girl, she can't outright graft him, but she's being a stickler to Hope about Noah for a reason. Maybe she sees them as the biggest competition like I do, but that would mean she doesn't see Bobby and I as the biggest competition ... ugh, I am so tired of having to up my game to beat Noah and Hope. I need them out of the running.

If Lottie did stick it on Noah, that would be amazing. She did choose him for her sexy dare yesterday, claiming it was to wind up Hope, something normal me would one hundred percent do. That speaks for itself.

"Surely what really matters right now is how Georgie feels?" Hannah asks, giving me that wide-eyed look again. It's nice to see the focus being directed back where it should, and even better that it's from Hannah. "She's, like, the protagonist of the whole situation!"

Reaching for my hand, Hannah scoots across to sit closer to me.

"Look, Priya's not around, and no one's going to repeat what you've said, so go on, tell us how you're really feeling, hun?" She goes on, giving me those blow-job eyes. "Really, really feeling?"

I shrug, letting my eyes well up, but never actually letting those tears spill over. "I obviously really liked Bobby, so him being taken away was always going to sting, but given it's Priya, it really does feel like she picked him to get back at me. I know I shouldn't think so cynically, and that if it was the reason, really, it's fair enough, but Priya and I aren't the only ones in this situation. If she's playing Bobby, then that's going to really upset me the most."

Nods all around. No one can deny that last part, that if Priya did choose Bobby for revenge, it's pretty shit of her to do that to him when he's done nothing wrong. I can see it in all the other girls faces, not one of the is against me in this, even if they're agreeable enough that Priya did what she had to.

Marisol is the closest of them all to sticking up for Priya's decision, citing the subconscious always winning out. God, snooze fest. Lottie, as per, ends up having a dig about 'being true to yourself' meaning being selfish. Lottie, as per, is wrong.

"I'm not saying be selfish," Marisol says, defending herself. She looks at me, a little pleadingly, like she can tell I'm the reasonable one. "I'm saying be fierce. You should keep that in mind now that you're the one who's single, Georgie."

True, true, true, and I'm happy to take this energy Marisol is hitting my way, the be a fierce girlboss. I'll need the girls to keep the 'girls gotta do what a girls gotta do' mindset for my coming swooping. Of course, Marisol has to undercut it all.

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