Kanao first appearance

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Kanaes pov:

Me and Shinobu were just walking around together until we saw this adorable girl all tied up in a rope. "Hey shinobu, look!" I said while showing my younger sister to the girl with the rope.

"Do you want to check it out" asked Shinobu.

"Why yes, cmon" I said to Shinobu.

"Okay" replied Shinobu in a very serious tone as usual.

"Excuse me, do you have a minute? " I asked to the man who was holding onto the rope. "I'm curious, why is that child all tied up? " I asked in a calm voice. "Is she a criminal, perhaps" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious, she's dirty and flea-ridden." Was the man's reply. "Besides, she might try to escape" said the man once again.

I slowly walked up to the little girl to introduce myself, "Hello there, how are you?" " My name is Kanae Kocho, what is your name?" I don't know why but when I looked into the little girl eyes it was empty.

Then the man had said, "She doesn't have a name alright, she never got one" it snapped me from my thoughts.

At one point he held his hand to get me away from the little girl but Shinobu stopped him just in time.


Still Kanae pov:

"I'm going to wash the little girl, she's a bit too filthy" shinobu said while walking away with our new sister. While Shinobu left with our new sister it left me in thought on what we should name her. "I guess I can think about it while I'm cleaning my sword." I thought to myself. While I was cleaning my sword I finally had the perfect name for her, the name I thought of after so many attempts for a perfect name was Kanao. The name Kanao did sounded a bit like my name but it was still different and it was perfect for her.

After Shinobu finally got Kanao all cleaned up she was a bit mad that the poor child couldn't think for herself. In solution to this problem I gaved Kanao a coin so until then, she could make a few nice choices for herself. While I gaved Kanao the coin I revealed her new name to Shinobu but it didn't go as well as I thought it would. Shinobu still doubted that we would be able to raise Kanao but I knew that I would be able to prove her wrong, we would just have to wait and see.

418 words is what I was able to do but it still made me happy since this is my first ever book so I hope you enjoyed it like how I did besides from this book being random. I hope you have a lovely day since you read all of this and goodbye.

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