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Shinobu pov:

I was just trying to bandage up tomiaka-san scars since he just got from a mission and I had to make sure to heal his wounds, until I heard a knock on the door. "It's open, you may come in" I said to whoever was knocking on the door. To my surprise it was nee-san, "what brings you here?" I asked while nee-san was entering the room.

"Shinobu, would you like to go to the festival with me and Kanao, I would like to have my first ever sister bond after all." Nee-san replied with a smile like always.

"That actually sounds like a lovely idea, I would love to go but I have to see if I'm free if that's alright." I answered while still bandaging up the last bits of Tomiokas wounds. The wounds weren't quite deep so it shouldn't be permitted like all his other wounds and it was going to be easy to heal meaning I probably wouldn't have to worry about him.

"Oh that's quite alright and besides even if you do end up with a tight schedule there is always another time." Kanae responded still smiling at me.

"Thanks for understanding, nee-san" I responded trying to be as respectful as possible besides the fact I wasn't really in the mood since I barely got any sleep last night.

"Shinobu" said my older sister in a very serious tone when she was next to the door.

"Yes, nee-san" I said while excusing tomioka-san.

"You've done enough, you should get some rest, also don't overwork yourself" nee-san said leaving while closing the door as well.


Still Shinobu pov:

I was looking at my schedule and to my luck, I was free. "Wow, I'm usually not free since I have to take care of these hashiras, make sure master is alright, make medicine, provide the right materials, and somehow get rest as well," I thought to myself. Since I basically had nothing else to do might as well do tomorrow chores so then im able to take of myself more better like how nee-san always complain about but should I really blame her?

Kanaes pov:

I saw Shinobu with Tomioka-san today and it seemed like she was taking care of him as usual. Tomioka-san always get hurt during on his missions and I'm kinda starting to think he's doing it on purpose. I guess what I mean is that, Tomioka-san always gets hurt but the marks are never permanent like Sanemi's, wait why am I thinking about sanemi if I'm trying to find out if tomioka-san has a crush on my sister..? I should probably not think about that and train since I must become stronger and knowing Kanao, she won't run off when she's bored like how some other kids do, I wonder what she's been through just to act like that since it's clearly not normal.

Kanao pov:

I was watching master kanae practice and for some reason, I never got bored, actually it was quite entertaining on how delicate her movements were. "I wonder if I will be able to do that" I thought to myself while watching master Kanae as usual.

~At the Festival Enterance~

Kanae pov:

"Hey kanao, may I hold your hand so then I don't lose you, I don't you getting kidnapped by some strangers" I asked Kanao while holding my hand out to signal her to hold it.

Kanao reached out her hand to hold mine and honestly I did wonder what new memories we would have together. Kanao and I were waiting for Shinobu since she told us to wait here while she gets us some sweets.

"Gomen, the line was a bit short and for some reason the stand kept moving so it took me a while to find it." Shinobu explained

"No worries, me and Kanao don't mind, right Kanao" I asked her with a smile as usual.

"...." Kanao responded as usual.

"Now then, I have the money so you don't have to worry about us getting in, ok Shinobu." I told her since I wanted her to start saving her money just in case if it's a emergency.

"Oh it's quite alright I can pay, I do have enough after all" Shinobu stated with a smile.

"Shinobu, I insist, besides I'm the older one so it's better if I'm the responsible person tonight." I told her. "Now cmon, who knows, there are going to be fireworks tonight and I want front row seats!" I said excitedly.

~When they were finally inside~

Kanao pov:

The three of us had fun, we played many games together and unsurprisingly, Kanae was better then me and Shinobu combined. Even though Kanae was the one in charge and the one who always beat us in almost all of the games, she told me and Shinobu that we did a great job. For some reason when master Kanae kept telling us that we did a great job on the games I felt something, I think it's called happy or joy or was that the same thing? I never felt anything quite like this before and I want to feel like this more often. Can I feel like this more often or is this a one time thing, master Shinobu, master Kanae, how do emotions work?

~After they played all the games~

Kanae pov:

"Hey guys, let's get seats for the fireworks, I don't want to be at a uncomfortable position after all" I explained

"Great idea, besides the earlier we get there, the better the spot will be when we get there" Shinobu stated. "Nee-san, what about the blanket?" Shinobu asked

"Oh the blanket is in this basket I'm holding, also don't worry about the food in it, all of them are in a container so it shouldn't stain the blanket" I explained to Shinobu.

"Good because there wasn't any way I would be sitting on a stained blanket." Shinobu joked.

I obviously giggled at her response since it was quite unexpected considering she isn't the type to make jokes.

~When they found their seats~

Kanao pov:

I was basically on master kanae back since she insisted on giving me a piggy back ride and it was fun if I'm being honest to myself. When we finally arrived to our seats, master kanae set me down gently so I wouldn't fall. I did wanted the piggy back ride to last a bit longer but I stayed quiet about it. When we sat down I was in the middle which was understandable since there was quite a lot of people. After we waited for a while something appeared from the sky and it was loud so I didn't really missed it and I would be lieing if I said it wasn't beautiful since it was quite colorful.

"Guys look, FIREWORKS!" Master Kanae shouted in excitement.

Is that what fireworks are, no wonder master Kanae and Shinobu were so excited.

No ones pov:

As the three girls were watching fireworks, they made jokes, tell stories, laugh together, stargaze when the show was over. Even though they were having a lot of fun they would have to return to the butterfly mansion.

"Shinobu, Kanao, can you girls help me put the stuff back?" Kanae asked with a smile as always.

"Sure, we don't mind" Shinobu replied lifting her sleeves up a bit.

Kanao just nods as if she was saying yes.

"Arigato, Shinobu and Kanao" kanae says.

"Oh, it's nothing" Shinobu replies with a smile.

When they were done packing up they played a few more games and went back to the butterfly mansion.

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