A lovely night

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Kanae pov:

"Shinobu, do you mind taking care of Kanao while I take a walk?" I asked opening the door.

"Sure but can you bring your sword just in case if you bump into a demon, I don't want you to get hurt" Shinobu replied

"Oh, thats probably a great idea, thanks" I said.

"Mhm" Shinobu said in her usual tone.

~After getting the Katana and went to take a short walk

Sanemi pov:

"I wonder what kanae is doing right now since knowing her she is probably not sleeping right now" I wondered to myself. "I wonder when I should tell Kanae my feelings for her I mean she probably doesn't feel the same but I can't keep it a secret" I wondered. "Sigh, why must life be like this and why must she be the one on my mind?" I questioned myself not knowing I said that out loud.

"Why must who be on your mind right now?" a familiar voice said from behind.

I turned around hoping it wasn't the person I thought it was but I was sadly correct. It was kanae, she was just standing there with a smile I always see when I'm with her. Why must I be so unlucky today? But on second thought, kanae was always patient and respected people's privacy but I don't want to lie to her since she was the first person and probably the last that I would ever fall in love with.

"Kanae, you scared me, what are you doing here so late?" I asked trying to be respectful.

"I was going to see the stars since they are so beautiful and they only come out at night so why not see them right now?" Kanae replied with her usual smile.

"Oh, that sounds nice, may I join?" I asked in a calm voice.

"Sure, the more the merrier and besides it will probably be a lot more fun." Kanae replied with a giggle.

As we were walking I noticed that kanae was somehow more beautiful, I guess what I mean is, she was beautiful at daylight but with the moon reflection she looked like a new person and in a good way.

"Sanemi..." Kanae said with a calm tone.

"Yes, what is it if I may ask?" I replied in a respectful tone since this is kanae we are talking about.

"I was just wondering, who was on your mind earlier?" Kanae asked sounding a bit more quieter as she spoke.

Just by her question I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit but they were definitely unnoticeable. I hope. "What do I do, she can't know it was her!?" I wondered. "I- umm-" I said trying to give her a response. "But then again it's just the two of us right now, nice setting, and even if she rejects me it's better if she knew even though it means I have to get over her" I thought to myself. "Sigh, I don't know a way to tell you this, Kanae, I like you, your kindness is probably one reason I even fell in love with you in the first place, it's alright if you don't love me back but I couldn't keep it in much longer I just hope we can still be friends." I informed.

Kanae pov:

Did I just heard that correctly, Sanemi likes me back, what do I say, wait is this why the other hashiras always looked at us strangely and in a good way? I can feel my face heating up a bit. "I-, I love you too sanemi, I always haved, I just couldn't find the right words to say it." I admitted.

They kissed under the stars and then hugged each other as if they just won a lottery ticket or even better, as if they defeated Muzan Kibutsugi together.

Manga spoilers up ahead so its better if you read the manga to continue reading. Also there is Sanegiyu up ahead so if you don't like the ship then don't continue reading it's not worth it.

When they finally defeated Muzan and at the cemetery.

Sanemi pov:

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you until the end but your in a better place now, you always were. I hope you are able to rest in peace, kanae and shinobu kocho. You know after we defeated Muzan, I started dating someone else, someone we knew, that someone is giyu tomioka. Please my only wish is for you to rest in peace and do well in heaven, knowing giyu he probably feels the same but towards Shinobu instead of you. Goodbye, my lovely butterflies.

775 words total in this story and thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day or night or afternoon, bye. I'm still kinda wondering why you read this book but thanks it really means a lot.

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