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There are no ships in this chapter.

Kanao pov:

When is shinobu and Kanroji going to get here!? Everyone is almost leaving, wait, did they forgot about me!? No Kanao, don't think that way, besides, this Shinobu we are talking about. The people who are most likely forget to pick you up from daycare is father. He is a hard worker after all and has to remember a lot of other things making him busy from his life. Poor father, the only time he can actually take a break is when he eats lunch with either us or alone.

"Kanao!" A faint voice from a distance calls out.

Aoi saw shinobu calling out for kanao so she taps her on the shoulder.

"Kanao, your sister is here, you should probably go to her. " Aoi informs.

"Oh, your right! Thanks Aoi, I don't know what I would do without you!" I replied when I snapped from my thoughts.

"You would be a mess, that's what you would do without me." Aoi joked

"Aoi, your so mean, but I should go now so bye! Can't wait to see you some other time!" I said waving.

"Oh, bye, and take care of yourself!" Aoi said.

"Thanks, you too!" I replied like a normal person would.

Shinobu pov:

I just want to go home.

"Hey, kanao" I said when she came.

"Hello!" Mitsuri said waving at Kanao.

"Hi" Kanao replied

"C'mon, we have to go to Mitsuri house so then we are able to get the preparations" I said in my usual serious tone.

All kanao did was nod which meant she agreed.

At mitsuri's

Still Shinobu pov:

"Hey mom, I'm home and I brought my friends!" Mitsuri half yelled.

"Welcome, you all must be hungry, eat first and then we can get the preparations for Kanae birthday, ok." Mitsuri mother informed.

I don't know about many other people but in my opinion, I loved the woman. She was like a second mother figure to me, like if having two moms was normal. I also admired how strong and brave she was even though she can't pass Mitsuri strength. It's impossible to be stronger than Mitsuri. I guess Mitsuri got her looks and her personality from her mother which is quite sweet. Of course not many people will agree with me with all of this and that's alright. But if anyone makes a big deal out of it, then we are going to have a huge problem.

After they all ate

Mitsuri mother pov:

"Ok, so here is the plan your mother came up with, Shinobu. Tells the plan"

"Got it, mitsuri, kanao, do you think we will be able to pull it off?" Shinobu asked

The both nodded and you could hear them say "Mhm," it was honestly quite adorable.

When we finally got to the place, we set everything up. It wasn't hard to set it up since it was a picnic but we did add a few things that you wouldn't expect in one! For example, we had a table but that was where we put the gifts for Kanae. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's the only strange thing to have in a picnic besides the small cake we will receive later. We were all next to a tree so we had a few shade among us. There were other people who were coming but it wasn't many, just a few that Kanae knew.

"Hey Harumi, when do we get the cake again?" I asked

"Oh! I was supposed to get it right now but my husband has got it covered so we don't have to worry about that." She replied.

Harumi is the kocho's mother.
Fun fact from Google: Harumi means spring beauty.

"Oh that's nice to hear but how are you sure if you don't mind me asking" I questioned.

"My husband has a day off today meaning there shouldn't be nothing in his mind right now. And besides, even though he forgets about many things, he can never forget his daughters birthday or in this case, their cake." Harumi joked.

After she made such comment I couldn't help but laugh she laughed with me of course. We got so distracted with that comment to the point my daughter Mitsuri had to remind us of what we were even doing in the first place. After a while of setting up all our stuff and the guests were here we called Shinobu and both Shinobu and Kanae should arrive soon.

Kanae pov:

"Oh Shinobu, don't you think these birds look lovely?" I asked.

"Yea, but I want to go somewhere with you but it's a surprise so when we get in the car make sure to wear the blindfold from there!" Shinobu said.

"Sure, I love surprises anyways!" I excitedly yelled.

"Good, cause we are going to have a blast when we get there, I promise!" Shinobu replied.

When they finally got there and Kanae is also still wearing the blind fold.

Still Kanae pov:

"And...We are here! Feel free to take the blindfold now!" Shinobu said in a excited tone.

I take off my blindfold and only to my surprise, most of the people I cared about were here. Not only that but they yelled surprise when I got here. Some were raising their arms while some weren't when they shouted that out.

After everyone got to their seats we had a blast just like how Shinobu promised. It was so fun at one point I wanted to cry tears of joy, hug them, say thank you so many times, and never want this to end. When we were done eating we talked, but Kanao decided to hangout with Aoi since she was also here. After a while my father came which I was happy about since he's usually busy with work. When he came, he not only had a gift for me but I cake! It looked so delicious so I was obviously happy to know I was going to eat it but not as much as Mitsuri. Her eyes were wide, she was drooling a bit, and her eyes were looking directly at the cake. She was holding onto Shinobu shoulder while doing so, so it was quite sweet and funny. After we ate the cake we talked, joked, laughed, some more. It was the most memorable day ever. I wish to do this next year but who knows what life has in stored for me, I'm just glad that I got to spend my birthday with not only with family but with close friends we see as family as well!

Word count: 1105

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