i don't know

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Before you read this just know that there are some shinomitsu moments here. So don't like the ship then feel free to leave. Thank you for listening and those who stayed then enjoy the story lovely.

Kanae pov:

Ok so kanao and shinobu should be in bed like how mom told me. Wouldn't hurt to check if they actually are since knowing them they could still be awake, especially Shinobu. Oh well, time to check!

Kanae walks to Shinobu room first which was the last door down the hallway. Kanae finally opened the door to Shinobu room and not to her surprise, Shinobu was studying.

"Shinobu, aren't you supposed to be asleep at this hour and besides there is always some other time to study!" I yelled at Shinobu

"Sorry nee-san but there is a test I have and I forgot to study earlier so I'm doing that now" Shinobu explained.

"Shinobu, I get that you are trying to have great grades and I'm happy to help. But maybe it's not worth it if you aren't taking care of yourself." I replied in a worry tone. "Besides, how are you able to help others and take care of them if you can't take care of yourself" I asked in a monotone voice.

"I guess you are right, but what about my test, I didn't study and it's going to be in first period." Shinobu asked

"Easy, wake up earlier than usual and who knows, maybe you can teach mitsuri as well." I replied.

"Wow, that's actually a great idea, but let's hope that my brain isn't mushy" Shinobu joked.

"Giggles, yea, I agree but off too bed now and if your brain is mushy then make sure to sleep when you get home from school as well. We don't want you to have the a bad health after all now do we. " I asked in a joking manner.

"Giggles, ok ok, goodnight nee-san, it was fun talking to you" Shinobu replied.

"Same goes to you too sis! Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite" I replied while closing her door.

The next day.

Mitsuri pov:

Why did God had to be so cruel and take me away from my beauty sleep!? Oh wait is that iguro, oh he is so handsome when he is talking to his friends! Too bad he probably doesn't feel the same way, wait I've been staring too long, his friends might notice or worse, he will notice! Why must love be so difficult, iguro please love me back!!!

I should probably study for my test that's in my last period, I don't want to get an F like my last one. I will never forget the day Shinobu lectured me and how my parents reacted. That day was a true nightmare, no one should go through it so why should I too. Good thing I remembered or else it might be worse, shutters.

"Mitsuri!!" A voice from a distance says.

Huh, did I just hear someone shout out my name? Oh its Shinobu! Wait..SHINOBU!? I never thought she would get to school this early or that it was possible.

"Shinobu!? I never knew or thought that you were able to get to school this early!" I said

"Well, I guess you guessed wrong." Shinobu joked.

"Well, you usually get here when school is about to start so of course it's going to surprise me" I replied.

"Well be glad I came early because I'm here to study since I forgot to yesterday so know you're going to study with me!!" Shinobu replied in a rather excited tone.

"Oh really!? I would love to study with you, it's better then studying alone anyways!" I said.

"I'm glad you feel that now cmon, we need to make sure to get seats before they are all taken!" Shinobu exclaimed while holding onto my hand.

I could feel my face heat up from shock but it cooled down and I don't think Shinobu noticed. When we finally got to the table we did talk about a few random things here and there. While I was studying with Shinobu I could feel someones eyes on me but I couldn't tell who it was. But then again it could just be a wierd feeling, I mean I am a teenager now and maybe it was normal, I hope.

Shinobu pov:

Mitsuri and I were studying for a while and honestly I'm glad I took nee-sans advice. I'm definitely getting an A on this test but I don't want to get my hopes up so I'm not doing to do the most stupidest thing you could do. What I mean by that is jumping into conclusions. I mean how are you supposed to have a healthy friendship or relationship if you jump into conclusions. Especially if your a nurse because once you pull the plug there is no turning back. But I wonder does this girl seriously not know that her crush is staring at her. I swear those two are hopeless. It's so obvious that they like each other but the both of them just doesn't seem to take the hint, no wonder they are such a match.

"Mitsuri, the bell is about to ring so maybe we should pack our stuff and get ready for first period." I said in a calm tone.

"Oh, I guess you are right, well see you in third period!" Mitsuri replied.

"Mhm, bye bye, pinky" I joked.

"Bye bye, purple" Mitsuri joked back.

We both giggled then headed to our destination after we packed up of course.

It was finally lunch time and so I helped Mitsuri study since she needed it.

"KYAHHH, Arigato Shinobu, I don't think I will know what to do without you! I love you so much bestie and I'll see you later at the school gates, ok, bye bye!!!" Mitsuri exclaimed running off to her next period in joy. Probably because she was now confident in passing that test.

I swear this girl should really know how to watch where she is going, I may love you mitsuri but seriously, look where you are running to.

Ok so, my first few periods I have no homework and thanks to douma I have no homework in my last two periods. Which means I have time to rest and study when I get home. I should probably take nee-sans advice more sometimes, it's going surprisingly great so far.

1082 words in this story also so sorry for the wait. I took too many breaks and school got in my way but I posted like how I promise myself I would. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day/night. If you aren't then I'm sorry to hear and I hope this story cheered you up a bit. My little lovelies I shall talk to you next chapter and goodbye for now.

I might actually make a book of giyushino and a bit of shinmitsu in it but then again, idrk. Also the ship is starting to warm up on me that's why I added it. Thanks for listening to that, but bye for real this time.

1204 words

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