The blossom tree

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Kanao pov:

Where is master Shinobu? Maybe she is out on a mission, I should probably ask Aoi before jumping into conclusions.

"Aoi, have you seen master Shinobu? " I asked.

"Oh yea, Shinobu is in her garden right now." Aoi replied.

"Arigato Aoi" I said waving goodbye.

"No problem" Aoi said also waving.

I went to the garden only to find Shinobu. Shinobu was with the butterflies and she looked so beautiful. I admire master Shinobu, she was sweet, gentle, and like I said earlier, beautiful. One day, I would be just like her! And she spotted me staring at her.

"Is there anything you need, Kanao?" Master Shinobu asked.

"Well, I was wondering if I could spend time with you." I replied.

Master Shinobu looked at me surprised. But then she smiled after. Her smile was warm and beautiful, it reminded me of master Kanae. But even though it reminded me of master Kanae's smile, her smile was a lot more warmer as nd sweeter then hers. No other person is able to compare such gentle, sweet, warm smile she had.

"Kanao, I would love to spend some time with you" Shinobu said which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Follow me, I would like to show you something" Shinobu continually said.

Master Shinobu and I walked for a few minutes and stopped at a tree. It was a cherry blossom tree and underneath it had a few photos of people and master Kanae was one of them.

"Kanao, these are my relatives, without them, I probably wouldn't be here today myself." Master Shinobu admitted. "Kanao, I have a request so listen to me carefully" Master Shinobu stated.

I looked at her showing that I was ready to listen. Master Shinobu noticed so she continued talking.

"If I die, I want my frame to be next to my sisters photo, in other words, Kanae's" Shinobu told me. "I also want this family tradition to keep going so when I die, you will be responsible for keeping it going along with the next few generations of yours." Master Shinobu suggested.

All I did was looked at her, not a peep came out of my mouth. Even though I was still a bit confused I knew what to do and I was able to live up to master Shinobu expectations.

"Kanao, do you understand my request?" Master Shinobu asked.

"Yes" I respond.

"Arigato Kanao, and one more thing, this is a family secret so only your future kids and husband are able to know." Master Shinobu said.

"Okay" was all I was able to say.

Master Shinobu hugged me and I hugged back. We also stayed to admire all of our relatives and Master Shinobu told me their stories. It was the best day of my life, I don't think I'm able to explained how I felt.

Meanwhile with Kanae

Kanae pov:

Looks like Shinobu and Kanao are visiting our family tree. I'm glad you love our stories Kanao and Shinobu, thank you for passing them on. Mom and Dad are very proud of you, Shinobu, and so am I. As for you Kanao, I can't wait for you to meet my parents, I'm sure they would love you like how me and Shinobu love you. Or even better, they love you more then how we love you. I hope you guys know I love you very much and I'm proud of the both of you guys.

I sat between the two and rested my hands on there head as if I was patting them. Seeing how happy the two were made me happy and then I faded back to heaven knowing I can rest in piece with no regrets.

619 words.
Thank you guys for waiting for this chapter. I also made another story but it's going to be about an au I made with Muichiro so feel free to check that out as well. I have more ideas on what to put for that book so I might not be able to publish new chapters for this book as much. I'm sorry if that disappoints you but it's reality so not every thing goes as planned.

697 words

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