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Kanae pov:

I was walking in the library while humming a old lullaby from my mother. Until a book was falling from a bookshelf. I was able to spot it and catch just in time and there was no damage. But the shelves looked so organized, what made it fall?

"Sorry nee-san!" A familiar voiced yelled.

I looked up only to see my younger sister, Shinobu.

"It's quite alright, just be careful, alright" I replied.

"Don't worry, I will!" Shinobu once again screamed from the distance.

The reason we had to be careful was because the place was old. It belonged to our ancestors from long ago so there were a few cracks. My family remodles it every 10 years.

"Nee-san, have you seen the book with our ancestors pictures?" Shinobu asked still yelling from above.

"No, why, if I must ask?" I answered.

"Project" Shinobu said in a very uninterested tone.

"Hmm, I can help you look" I offered.

"That would be great, I kinda want to finish my project anyways" Shinobu said.

Both me and Shinobu were looking for the book but nothing. We searched all over the house library so we decided to ask our parents. They also didn't know where it was. So the only person left was, Kanao, our adoptive sister. Shinobu and I went to Kanao's room and to our surprise, she had the book in her hands.

"What you got there?" Shinobu asked

"The family picture book" Kanao replied.

"They all look so beautiful" Kanao complimented.

"I agree" I said.

"Maybe when we rebuild the library your picture with the family will be there too" Shinobu added.

Kanao was amazed by shinobu response. "Really?" Kanao asked still amazed.

"Well, only if you help remodel the house library from downstairs." I informed.

"You're in luck Kanao, because we only do that every 10 years but right now we only have to wait for 3 years. At least that's when we end up remodeling it again." Shinobu explained.

"3 years sounds like a long time" Kanao replied.

"Well, you'll get used to it one day like how our grandparents did" I exclaimed.

"Anyways sorry to ruin the moment but I kinda need the book for my project, is it alright if I use them for a bit Kanao, I'll give it back when I'm done, okay" Shinobu said.

"Sure" Kanao replied.

The three of us were looking at the old photos talking about the memories or in other case, I was. Kanao was the one that looked at them and listened like someone is reading for her. Meanwhile Shinobu was doing her project. We were all so caught up with talking about our ancestors story that we didn't notice mom came in and took a photo of us. Shinobu was on the bed working on her project, meanwhile i was facing the other way, towards Kanao. Kanao was sitting on a chair looking at one of the books from the pile she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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