Not a chapter, unfortunately

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I'm going to cry while I'm typing this but who cares cause those would be tears of joy

I'm going to cry while I'm typing this but who cares cause those would be tears of joy

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I didn't think I would have this much reads but I'm glad I do. I also hope I made your guys day cause if I do, I'm going to scream out of excitement.

I would also love to point this out and yes I'm once again happy, I can't wait to make another chapter.

Before I forget, if I made your day do you mind telling me by commenting somewhere in my stories. I'm not forcing you but I hope you know that I would really appreciate it even though I can get emotional. Idk why I want to know if you're enjoying my stories but I do and all I know is that it gives me motivation to make more.

I was typing this in a rush cause it's night time and I want to make time for myself since my throat hurts right now. Anyways yes I will be fine but thanks for reading, I once again appreciate it and I hope you know that.

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