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I sit around my place bored once again, I haven't heard from Von in a couple of days. Well he went to a couple shows in L.A so whenever he's working I don't bother him because he wants to give all his energy to his fans which I understand. Our last sex session was... whew. I kept replaying it in my head, that's how good it was. Von was my one and only body, so to me I don't think there's no one better than him. I think that's why he's so possessive over me too, he says he doesn't want nobody to taint me.

I'm pretty sure that's the main reason he doesn't allow me to go out too much, if I have no reason to go out, then I stay in. My phone starts to ring, to my suprise it's Kema. I frown as I pick up the phone call.

" Hey Kema", I say in a neutral tone..

" Hey Ne Ne, are you busy tonight?" She asks me.

" Nope, you need me to babysit Dayvon?" I ask her..

" No, I actually want you to come hang out with Me and some friends tonight ", she says catching me off guard.

" Oh, um sure. Are we going to a club?" I ask her.

" Yeah, Von is coming with us though", she tells me.

" I thought he was in Los Angelos still?" I ask her confused.

" Girl he been back for 2 days now", she tells me laughing.

" Oh okay, " I say laughing with her even though I was pissed. Why would he lie to me, he literally told me he wouldn't be back untill monday.

" Yeah I'll be there in 15 minutes so let me let you go", she says.

" Okay see you soon", I say before I hang up the phone.

Thank God I showered already so all I would need is to throw on something really cute ( the picture above is what she is wearing). It was cute and simple. I mean it's the club and pretty hot in Atlanta so why not. My make up was done pretty cute, the outfit really did it so it was no need for anything extra. Kema texts me telling me she's here. I spray some perfume and grab my small clutch before I leave out my place.

" OUUUUUU look at youuuuuu", She squeals as I get in her Benz truck..

" Is it too much?" I ask her looking down at my outift..

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