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Excitement rushes through me as I sit in the doctor's office,  waiting for one of the biggest appointments of my pregnancy

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Excitement rushes through me as I sit in the doctor's office,  waiting for one of the biggest appointments of my pregnancy. Sure I was by myself, but I wasn't trying to focus on that matter. I would've thought Dayvon wanted to find out the gender of the baby with me but he told me he didn't care to know. I just told him I will tell him when he comes to get me, he couldn't drive me up to the appointment because he was too busy so I did had to uber up here. 

I couldn't lie The words of Von's mom played in my head almost everyday, I can say sure after her visit things became even worse with Me and Von.  Just when I thought things would've been better,  it just continued to go down the hill. I don't know if it was because I was pregnant or what... it's just things has not been the same for us for a while now. With his divorce almost finaled I wouldve thought he would be more happy but he wasn't. 

" Ms. Taylor?" Says a Male Voice, coming into the office.

The doctor was a man who couldve been in his late 30s or 40s possibly, a black tall male, he appeared to be friendly,  he wore a small smile on his face as he closed the door.

" Yes, are you doctor Robinson?" I ask as he walks close to me.

" Yes, it's so nice to finally meet you. Are you ready to find out the gender of your baby?" He asks me, in a excited tone.

" Yes, I've been ready for a while", I say smiling.

" No father today?" he asks me, noticing I was by myself.

" No, he's too busy but he's coming to get me" I say to him.

" Ah okay, well if you can pull down your skirt , lay back so I could rub the jelly on your stomach, " he instructs me.

I nod my head, laying back like he asked and pulling my pencil skirt down a bit so he could put the jelly on my stomach.  I jump a little because it was a bit cool but it wasn't do bad. Then he grabs his tools, that's also cool placing it on my stomach as he moves it around, trying to find the baby.

" If you look at the screen Ms. Taylor you can see what's going on, also the noise your hearing is the baby heartbeat", he says, pointing to the screen.

I watch quietly listening to my baby heartbeat. Suddenly a figure of a baby appears on the screen, it was so tiny. My heart swells up with joy seeing the little person that I was carrying is very real, alive,  and has a strong heartbreak. Oh I wish Von was seeing this right now. This was so amazing.

" Congratulations Ms. Taylor you are having a baby girl!" He says smiling.

" Oh my Gosh, a girl I knew it, " I say smiling, as tears ran down my face. My baby girl.

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