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I jump out of my sleep, looking around the room I was in. It was unfamiliar to me at first but I remember that I'm in Dayvon's room. I start to shake as the dream I just had replays in my mind. I've been having this dream on and off, about killing all those people, it tends to bother me but Von told me after that night never to even speak about it. So I have to bottle all this in, which is bothering me but I promised him I wouldn't bring it up again.

I run my fingers through my hair, looking around and he wasn't in bed. I get out of bed going into the bathroom, I didn't have to pee so I just freshen up quickly.  My curls wasn't messed up, I was just in a tank top and thong,  my normal attire to bed or to lounge around the house, unless Von's friends are here then I'll put on some pants.

This is the first morning that me and Von gets to spend together so I was pretty self conscious. I wanted to look good for him, to make him smile. I head put the bedroom, down the stairs, when I get in the living room I see Von on the game playing GTA. He looks so cute in his ganer head phones, he was into his game that he didn't even notice me come sit beside him.

" Good morning Baby", I say smiling,  laying on his shoulder.

I watch him take his headphones off and put a smile on his face,  bringing my lips to his planting sweet kisses on my lips.

" good morning lil folks ", he says softly, planting another kiss on my lips.

" Are you hungry?" I ask him as he moves some of my hair out my face.

" Yeah, make me some oatmeal", he says and I laugh.

" Such an old man", I say laughing getting up.

I can feel him following behind me, and I could hear his footsteps, once I get into the kitchen I start to make his oatmeal, getting the brown sugar out and apple slices.

" You want some milk in it?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

" Nah, that be nasty ", he says frowning up his face and I laugh.

" So how long I'm gonna be here?" I ask him smiling as I finish fixing his food

" For as long as I want you to be", he says smiling causing me to roll my eyes.

" What is that even suppose to mean?" I ask him,  folding my arms.

" Aye don't start now, unfold yo arms ma", he says laughing..

" Dayvon I asked a question,  stop playing", i say to him,  unfolding my arms..

" You know what i mean La'Neka, don't make me mad", he says in a warning tone.

" Make you mad? Wow okay", i say laughing without humor as I hand him his oatmeal.

" You be hurting yo own feelings gang, just enjoy the time you here and don't ask no questions you don't wanna know the answer to", he says smartly before he walks away.

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