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I sit in my car, looking at was on my lap. This was something I needed to do a long time ago. I look out the window at my house, I ain't been here for about 2 weeks after Kema came to the video shoot acting crazy. During the time I been away I was thinking about how Kema and I met. I was just getting out a jail, a nigga ain't have shit, and she took care of me. I loved her for that. Kema was everything I wanted in a bitch,  she smart, had a lot going for herself, but she saw something in me and invested in me when nobody else would.

But I let the fame get to me, hoes was throwing it at me. I couldn't pass it up, so I just started to do dumb shit. Kema stayed by side through everything, even would have 3somes with me and some of my side hoes. But then I met La'Neka.  She wasn't someone I seen coming, but she did and I realized that I wasn't in love with Kema,  I fell for La'Neka,  it was long before we start fucking.

When La'Neka came around Kema and I just got back together after i has broke up with Asian for like the 10th time, so we was arguing like crazy. La'Neka would just be a listening ear, and she would just talk to me. That's when I start developing feelings, when we start fucking that just sealed deal.

I loved Kema for what she could do for me, and she had my son. But I was never in love with her. I ain't wanna keep doing this no more. All the arguing.  I wasn't happy with her. I should've been, but she didnt complete me. She was just convient for me at the time. I hated I wasted her time,  but it was time to let this go. I also had to turn against a few of my family members for her, including my momma.

I had to do this for me, so I could move on with a clean slate and be happy. I already know this was finna come with some more shit, but I just needed to get out this marriage. It shouldn't have happened in the first place. We both has our faults in this marriage, she did some Fu shit but I forgave her.

We tried to make it work, but it just never could. Especially when I realized I wanted La'Neka. I knew that it was over between us. I think we both just held on for our son. But it only made shit worse because we wasn't there for the right reasons anymore. I take a deep breath holding what I had in my hand tightly, getting out the car as rain poured down on me.

Coming into the house, I felt werid as hell. I know its cause I ain't been here. I take a deep breath walking into the house,  looking for her. I find her in the kitchen, sipping wine, tears running down her face, listening to some usher.

" Kema", I say softly.

She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. I could tell she was mad, hurt, and just confused seeing me back. I couldnt feel bad now, I made my choice. I couldnt keep doing La'Neka like this.

" You finally done with that bitch?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

" Nah, I actually came to give you something ", I say to her,  not giving her eye contact.

" What you tryna give me? A new chanel purse? A birkin?" She asks, laughing without humor. 

" This", I say, slapping down the file on the counter..

She jumps a little, she picks the packet up. Her expression started off calm, but as she read further tears started to run down her face again and she slams the packet down, glaring at me.

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