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I lay in bed, tears running down my face.  It's been 3 months and 2 weeks since Von cut me off. I was sick to my stomach... literally. I didn't want to go anywhere, when I went to work, he was never even home anymore. That's how I knew it was over.  He didn't even want to see me. I really just wanted to die.

Maybe this was good for me, but I sure didn't see it that way. It felt like hell, the worse pain in the world. Someone you love avoiding you at all costs. I mean i got my hair done for nothing because I havent been anywhere but to work and back.

My phone rings, I lean over to reach for it. It was nobody but Kema. I roll my eyes, answering the phone.

" Hey girl can you come in to work today?" She asks me..

" Actually Kema, I'm not feeling well today ", I say,  sniffling wiping my face.

" OH no, what's wrong?" She ask, she was genuinely concerned.

" I dont know, I'm gonna run to the doctor", I say to her.

" okay, well just let me know", she says.

" I will", I say before I hang up the phone.

I was gonna go to the doctor because I feel sick to my stomach, like it felt abnormal.  I get out of bed, walking to my bathroom, I take a quick shower, slipping on a hoodie and Jean's. I grab my phone, walking out my place.

The ride to the doctor wasn't that long, so I make it there in no time. I knew what I was coming in here for, I was just scared as hell.

" Hello how can I help you today?" The desk clerk asks, smiling.

" Um My name is La'Neka Taylor, I'm here to take a pregnancy test", I say lowly.

" Okay, okay sit down in the waiting room, and the doctor should be here with you shortly", she says giving me a smile.

" Okay thank you Ma'am ", I say smiling,  going to sit down.

There weren't alot of people here so I felt okay about it. It was one girl there, she looked mad familiar,  she kept looking at me too. Then it clicks to me, that's the girl I beat up at Von's house.

Just as I was about to say something to her, Von walks right in, he's wearing sunglasses,  he still looks mean as hell.

" Did they call you already?" He asks as he sits besides her.

" No, Von why are you making me do this?" She asks him, tears in her eyes.

" Man we been through this shit already", he says to her in a cold tone.

" But I want my baby", she says.

" Well I don't ", he says to her, she scoffs,  shaking her head angrily. 

" La'Neka Taylor?" Days the Doctor, coming out of the room.

Everyone eyes fall on me, including his. I swallow nervously, getting up going into the doctor office.

" I'm doctor Martinez,  you're here for a pregnancy test?" He asks me.

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