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" This is not a date La'Neka", I mutter to myself, sitting outside of the restaurant

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" This is not a date La'Neka", I mutter to myself, sitting outside of the restaurant.

I really couldn't believe I said yes going to dinner with this man. After everything he put me through, he finally wanted to man up and be a father to his child. Some would want me to be happy about this and I mean I was. Kind of. I was having mixed emotions because I did miss him and I really hated that I did. Durk was keeping Valentine for us, I didn't want her around just incase Von and I got into a heated argument. I didn't want her to see nothing bad between us, I want her childhood to be the complete opposite of how mines was.

I take one last deep breath, the I grab my purse getting out of the car. Today i wasn't dressed as Nicki Minaj, I was dressed as La'neka, my long black hair pulled into high bun. A very sexy outfit that was customed made for me by Alexander McQueen. A very natural and sexy look for the night. I was so nervous, I mean after all I'm a complete different woman than I was the last
time we spoke.

As I was walking into the restaurant, I seen everyone getting up from their seats, some people was even screaming my name which was a huge suprise for me. I wave at all the people I see as the waiter take me to where Dayvon was, which was in a private area of course, our own little section. Which I was glad about, I didn't need anyone in our business. Hopefully no one takes pictures of us being here together tonight. The last thing I need is to be on the shaderoom. I've been doing pretty good.

" Hey", I say softly, as I sit down in front of him.

Boy, did he look handsome today. But when did he not look good. I couldn't lie with him looking this good, his hair freshly twisted, not to mention I smelled his colonge from where I was sitting just did it for me. Just like that I could feel the sexual tension as we looked into each other eyes.

" You look beautiful ma", He says smiling.

" I know," I say smartly causing him to chuckle.

" Damn it's like that?" He asks laughing.

" Yeah it is. ", I say nodding my head, looking down at the menu. I had to look away from his eyes.

" Hello my name is Amy, and I'll be your waiter tonight are you two ready to order anything?" The waitress asks, I didnt even see her walk up to us.

" some wine and breadsticks is a good start", I say to her.

" Wine? I want some Hennessy ", Von complains, putting down his menu.

" Dayvon please, that's all Amy", I say smiling, looking at her.

" Okay, let me get that and I'll be right back", She says smiling, walking away.

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