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This baby has been giving me the business these last 4 days, My morning sickness has been at it's worse

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This baby has been giving me the business these last 4 days, My morning sickness has been at it's worse. I guess this would be my pushinment for shooting at that girl. Today wasn't as bad, but I still just had morning sickness. Surprisingly Dayvon stayed home today, but all his friends are here. Currently they are all downstairs playing the game and smoking. I lowkey hate the smell of weed now being pregnant so I just stayed in the room.

Von didn't like me hanging around his friends anyway. He didn't want me being extra friendly.  I was looking at Tv, just at Music videos since it was a saturday. As a kid that's what I loved to do, so it stuck with me as I got older.  I guess you could say it's a tradition that I just made up.

I hear the bedroom door opening,  I look over and see it was Von. He looked pissed off and that he was panicking about something.  I sure hope that he wasn't about to ask me to do something crazy because I really dont feel like doing anything.  He went to the closet, a few moments later he comes out fully dressed and he throws a dress at me.

" My momma downstairs and she wanna meet you", he says, breaking the awkward silence.

" Oh so soon? I thought I would have more time", I say smiling,  my heart racing a little.

" This shit wasn't supposed to happen but she popped up, make sure you cover that black eye," he says before storming out the room.

Oh. So I wasn't even supposed to meet his mom? I just don't get the point of our relationship.... and as for the black eye, he gave it to me 3 days ago, we got into a huge argument and things got very physical. I never really expected Von to put his hands on me like this,  but I mean I did bring this on myself. I should've left him alone like he asked me too. I get out of bed, putting on the dress, do a natural make up look and just brush through my long hair.

I should be looking happy but I can see the hurt and the pain. But I have to keep fighting for us. On the bright side I get to meet Momma Von, I'm so excited about that. Maybe me and her can build a special bond and Von would start to look at me differently. I spray some perfume and head out the room, run down the stairs. Von's mom was very beautiful,  she looked like she could be just his older sister. All of his friends was gone which means he kicked them out.

" Hello Ms. Tasha ", I say smiling widely, walking over to hug her.

" Uh Uh, stay back there lil girl ", She snaps, frowning up at me catching me off guard.

" Oh, I'm so sorry ", I say quickly,  stepping back from her.

" I really can't believe you Dayvon,  this is who you left Kema for?" Ms. Tasha says, looking at me.. like she was disgusted.

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