Best Fight Ever

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It was a new day! Since it was a Saturday, the princes decided to sleep in. Suddenly at 9:30 AM the morning, James almost fell off his bed when he heard a thud from his room. He called Scott, Francisco, and Daniel to tell them what had happened in his household. They agreed to go to James' castle, but it would take too long. But Francisco said, "I remember that we can teleport there by clicking this button on our watches" he pointed to a red button on his watch. When he clicked it he was teleported to James' bright blue room. "You scared me half to death," said James in a joking tone. Once all the princes clicked their green and gold button, they looked outside their window. Scott saw the same hideous monster that they "fought" When they were about to fight him, Daniel stopped them and said, "Remember what happened before? We need to have a plan before fighting him!". The boys stopped to create a perfect plan to stop this horrible monster from destroying James' kingdom. Then they thought of the perfect plan that would most definitely stop this monster.

"Hey, Icey!" shouted Francisco while holding a match and nail. "Do Ice Monsters like you like fire?" Without even waiting for the monster's reply, Francisco threw the hot nail at the monster and hit him straight in the head! "My name is Frostbite!" yelled the monster looking rather hot. While Frostbite is distracted by Francisco and his fire, Scott asked one of his Royal Servants to give him 3 of the hottest heaters that they have in the kingdom. James asked his Father what is the hottest chip that they have in the castle. While Daniel looked around the castle to see if there are any catapults around the kingdom.

Francisco and Frostbite were still debating about hot and cold things and how ice monsters don't like fire. In the middle of their conversation, Scott shouted, "Wow it is getting cold in here, how about some of the hottest heaters from this kingdom?" and turned on the heater up to the MAX level. Frostbite's body was slowly melting from the heater's heat. "This can't get any worse!" On that cue, James and Daniel appeared on the rooftop to aim for the mouth of Frostbite. Daniel was aiming while James was getting the hottest chips ready. On the best aim, Daniel flung the catapult and Frostbite ate one whole bag of the hottest chips! That was the last straw of heat that Frostbite's body could take. With this, he completely melted and turned from the ice as hard as stone to water as slippery as soap. The princes were happily celebrating their biggest life accomplishment! When a thought popped in James' head "How will we clean all this water?" When the boys were shocked when 8 Royal Servants popped their heads up on the Royal Rooftop Door and said in sync "We can clean all this up". Usually, the princes would agree to this favor. But James replied "Why don't we all help" 

But when they went down to the bottom of James' castle, it was a lot bigger than they expected it to be. When the villagers saw it they said to the princes and the Royal Servants that "Can we help you guys with something?"  The princes and Royal Servants agreed to the villagers' help. Scott and Francisco grabbed all the mops, buckets, and towels. James also got all the cleaning bots that he remembers his father created when he was still a young king. With the help of the cleaning robots or bots, princes, Royal Servants, and villagers. After 2 hours or so, they were finally able to clean the slippery mess that Frostbite left. The princes told the villagers that they could handle it from there. They saw a blob that looked a lot like slime and got it, they thought that it might be the heart of Frostbite, so they kept it and put it in a special treasure chest and hid it inside James' walk-in closet.

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