Weapons Galore!

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It was 5:34 in the morning, when Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel suddenly got a call. "What's that?" Scott wondered reaching for his phone. He forgot that he put it on his desk, so he accidentally fell from his bed. He was able to answer the call, just like the other princes. 

"Hello?" the princes asked. If it was their parents, they knew that they had to go to the hideout again after finishing their class. The voice who answered the phone call was their dads. "Why are you awake so early?" the princes asked the kings. Of course, the reply that they were waiting for, they had to go to the hideout to practice something after classes, again. 

After classes, the princes quickly teleported to their secret hideout in their castles. When they teleported there, they saw a lot of weapons that they could use! Each weapon was waxed and very shiny to the brim. The princes looked in awe to see the beautiful shiny weapons just sitting there. They were surprised by the king, "You each get to pick three weapons that will help you in fighting crime around the kingdom," the princes each took three weapons.

Scott chose a dark green sword, a pastel green force field, and a green grappling hook. "Green's the best color!" Scott said after choosing his weapon. Next, Francisco chose bright red nunchucks, dark red arrows, and pastel red glasses, which are supposed to tell what the monsters' weakness is. "No, red is!" Francisco argued to Scott. Then, it was James' turn, he chose a light blue lightning gun, a dark blue shock necklace, and a pastel blue illusion contact lens. "You're both wrong! Blue is better than green or red!" argued James to Scott and Francisco. Lastly, it was Daniel's turn. He chose a gold bow and arrow, a dark yellow guitar, which can control people with its strumming, and a pastel yellow ring, which can make anything that he wants. "You all are wrong! Gold is the most precious color ever!" Daniel said proudly. Then the four started debating about which color is the best if it is green, red, blue, or gold.

After five minutes, their parents got a little bored with hearing them debate. "Stop it already!" James' dad said to the four of them. They instantly stopped debating about the best color, knowing the consequences that might come. "That's more like it!" James' dad added to his statement. After picking their weapons, they learned how to use them, while fighting crime or monsters. 

It was hard at first since the princes had no idea how to control magical weapons, but by the end of the day, they learned how to use them perfectly. "That was fun!" Daniel said after learning how to master his bow and arrow shoots perfectly. Even though the princes were very tired from learning and practicing how to use their new magical weapons, they were still full of energy to finish their needed school requirements, like homework, building stuff, and other things.

While the princes were finishing their homework, they heard a lot of people scream from under their dorm rooms. "What was that?" James asked Daniel. Daniel just shrugged and went to look at their dorm window. "It's a monster that needs slaying!" Daniel replied to James. The four boys went down the long stairs to fight the monster.

After transforming into rangers, the princes went outside to fight the monster. "Hey, we have new weapons that you won't stand a chance in!" Daniel boasted to the monster. It was true, the princes easily defeated the given monster. 

After the battle, the princes were so tired that they fell asleep once their backs hit their soft silky bed. Then it was sweet dreams.

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