Loyalty Test 101

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Loyalty is one of the most important traits any person should have. One of the things that make a ranger, a real one is by overcoming what they call "Loyalty Test 101". Some have failed this test, while some rangers have overcome it and received a very special award. Now it is time for the new generation of rangers to do this test.

It was Monday morning, and Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel were getting ready for school. They went to their regular princely classes, that no one would call "rebellious" and by lunchtime, the princes heard a screech and a scream. They looked out the window to see what that chaos was and saw a monster. Before Daring could see this monster, the princes quickly left the Castleteria. 

When they went out to see which monster this was, the monster suddenly said "Which of you shall challenge me?" "All of us!" Scott replied. They fought the monster, but to their surprise, the monster kept dodging all their tricks. "This is painful," Francisco complained. "What if we just you know give up?" James suggested. Hearing this Daniel protested and said "We can't just give up like that. The only reason that we are failing is that we are all doing different moves, why don't we work together as a team!" With this suggestion, the rangers were able to beat the monster easily. 

"Piece of cake," Francisco said, rather boasting to his friends. "Hey! It was Daniel who suggested it, not you!" Scott complained to Francisco. "Yeah, yeah," Francisco replied. "Oh no. Are they about to start bickering?" James asked his roommate. "three, two, and one" after "one" Scott and Francisco started bickering about who was right and who was wrong. "You guys! Stop it already." James said quite annoyed. "Why? What is the little blue prince going to do?" teased Francisco. "That's it!" and James joined in on the chaos. 

After five minutes of bickering, Daniel couldn't take it anymore! "I am leaving, I gotta get to class," the other bickering princes didn't even mind Daniel walkout, and just continued doing what they were doing. Until the bell rang, which meant that it was time for afternoon classes. The boys quickly ran back inside their high school, only to be asked, "Where were you guys?" by one of their fellow classmates. They couldn't possibly tell him what they were doing, it was a secure secret and first-hand embarrassing. "We were checking the plants outside," Scott said sweating. "Oh, okay," the student said, then walked out. The princes were almost late, so they ran as fast as they could to Track and Shield class. The bell rang, "Just on time," Francisco said while trying to catch his breath.

Daniel was already waiting inside. "Dude, you forgot about us," James complained while sitting next to Daniel. "Oh, I didn't forget about you, I simply told you guys that I will go to class, but you guys simply chose to ignore it. Problem solved," Daniel replied to Scott, Francisco, and James. "Oh, yeah, now I remember, we kept on bickering until the bell rang. Sorry for accusing you," Francisco said meekly. The boys attended their afternoon class until the bell rang again signaling that all classes are finished for the day. 

Scott, Francisco, James, and Daniel went to their dorms and slumped in their beds. The soft silky comforters felt so good. The four boys were so tired that they were able to take a nap.

The princes were awaked by a bright green, red, blue, and gold light, that was shining brightly in their dorm rooms. They were about to scream when they saw a face staring back at them, but they decided to stay quiet and let this random person explain if it was bad, then they would call for the Headmaster. 

"Are you the new generation of rangers?" asked the being. The princes nodded. The mystical creature explained about their fight earlier and how they are greatly awarded. "For not giving up, here is a special reward from the Ranger Masters," 

The boys woke up the next day, but they felt powerful!

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