Chapter 2

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Selena was in the process of sorting the dirty towels and aprons when she got distracted by her best friend for the 15th time that day. Zoey again began anxiously pacing back and forth while stealing glances at the wall clock.

"Selena, we only have an hour left until closing." Zoey huffed exasperated.

The brunette's only reply however was to roll her eyes while chuckling at the blondie's antics. It has been three days since Harry and Liam had dropped by the coffee shop and it has also been since then that Zoey had started throwing tantrums. Selena knew however that Zoey was just bluffing; she was really upset though that she was at the backroom doing the inventory with their supervisor when the boys decided to show up but she wasn't a brat. She understood perfectly well also that Selena had been unable to call her since that would cause the boys to wait and for the service to be delayed. The only thing that placated her a bit was when Selena told her that her favorite member, Niall was not present during the encounter, but that did not stop her from devising some sort of countdown that she recited every three hours during the days that passed.

Zoey being the math whiz that she is patiently explained to her best friend that it was some kind of a statistical probability that she came up with, that computes the most probable time the boys were likely to show up again. Selena's response however was just to gape at her for two reasons: 1) that Zoey had bothered to come up with a formula for something that may never happen again and 2) because math was never really her best subject.

"Selena" Zoey whined, clearly not pleased with Selena's "lack of empathy" as she always put it.

Selena sighed, finally closing the hamper "Well what do you want me to say exactly?" she asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"The truth please" Zoey replied, pulling on her hair.

"Well every time I give you the truth you rebut it and will you please stop being so agitated." She countered placing her hands on her hips.

"Well I can't help it, I want to see them too and I don't like your truth because it doesn't feel like the truth. It's always so...pessimistic." Zoey said trailing of a bit as if she were searching for the right word while tugging on her hair again.

"It's called 'reality' missy, but if you don't like it then just go and live in your little bubble. But will you please stop pulling on your hair; you wouldn't want to end up hairless IF EVER your Irish fellow ends up here do you?"

And as if on cue, Zoey relaxed. But the way she twiddled with her thumbs was a dead giveaway that she wasn't finished yet.

Selena giggled and said "Just spit it out already."

"Do you think there's a chance that I can ever get to see him?" Zoey asked dejectedly.

Selena bit her lip feeling sad for her best friend. Zoey, like Selena was not a freaky fangirl, but she did have one certain weakness though, that being Niall Horan. She did want to comfort her best friend, but she was never the type to sugarcoat things and give false hopes. Since there were rarely any customers at the closing hour, Selena sat down on the floor and patted the space right next to her. Zoey followed suit and laid her head down on the brunette's shoulders.

"Well maybe if you can get your hands on some meet and greet passes."

"But it's so hard to get those and even so we won't be able to have some conversation like you did with Harry and Liam."

"Well I think it's the only way"

"But do you think maybe they'll stop by another time?"

"I don't think so"

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