Chapter 8

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It was already 5:30pm and Selena had already finished getting ready, not like there was much to prepare anyway as she was still donned in her uniform and sneakers. The dinner was taking place tonight at one of London's finest hotels, which is why the two girls are still baffled on why they have been requested, but hey if it means income then why the hell not? The only problem is if anybody would care to grant them attention.

It's their money anyway.

The brunette was waiting for her best friend who was going to drive them to the venue and was thinking of a way to pass the time, until a smile made its way to her face when she thought of one. Bringing out her phone, she then proceeded to dial a number and press it to her ear.

"Hi Mom"

"Hi baby, How are you? Are you okay there? How's the job? Have you enrolled already?"

"Calm down mom, I'm fine, how are you and Dad?" Selena asked, chuckling a bit as her mom asked her numerous questions in one breath.

"We're fine, I miss you sweetie"

"I miss you too mom, how's the pregnancy?" Selena asked, smiling at the thought

"Oh I'm doing great, I had checkup this morning and guess what?"

"What is it?"

"It's a girl"

"Really? Oh gosh I'm gonna have a little sister" Selena squealed

"Yes you are dear; anyway you didn't answer my two questions a while ago"

Selena chuckled "Work's great mom and enrollment's next week"

"Actually, Brian and I have been wanting to call you about your work"

"What about it mom?"

"Well Brian got promoted and we think you should quit work"

"I can't let you do that mom, you need to save for the baby"

"We already have enough dear, besides when school starts you're going to be busy with schoolwork and football practice"

"I can handle three, it's no biggie. Besides, it's just part time so Keith's gonna cut our hours by half"

"I know you can handle three, the problem is you'll be slaving yourself off and you're health will be the one to get compromised. We don't want that honey."

"Mom, I'll be fine promise"

Selena heard her mom sigh, obviously contemplating on her options "Alright, we'll try it first for a month, but if you get sick then that's it"

"Thanks mom" Selena said, not wanting to argue anymore as she heard her mom's stern tone, signifying the case closed.

"But that doesn't mean Brian and I will not be sending you monthly allowance."

"Mom you don't have to" Selena replied whining.

"Selena that's final"

"But you need it for the baby"

"Yes, but you're my daughter as well. So there's nothing you can do about it"

"Alright" Selena agreed, rolling her eyes at her mom's antics.

"That's my girl, though I have the feeling that you just rolled your eyes at me young lady" Her mom's tone was strict as she said this, but knew that the woman was smiling at the other end of the line.

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