Chapter 23

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Harry noticed Selena's immediate discomfort upon sitting down the passenger seat of his Audi SUV and he instantly wanted to reach out his hand and lace it with hers but it pained him to admit that might not be the best solution for he knew that he was the source of said discomfort. It didn't help that their friends threw occasional jeers, mainly being led by the grand master prankster Louis Tomlinson, thus adding to the brunette's adorable jittery state and Harry wanted nothing more than to bop them in the heads. Yet even if their so-called friends were acting moronic, the lad can't help but to be thankful to them for this encounter would not have happened would it not have been for them, which is why he is so keen on making the most out of every opportunity thrown his way even if the beauty was quite eager to dodge his attempts.

Not for long anyway he thought.

"You can park here Harry" Selena instructed as they reached her house then got out after the lad had done so and shut the engine off.

After stepping out of the vehicle, Harry and the group took their time eyeing their surroundings as they followed the brunette. The house wasn't too grand, but it looked homey and cozy, it was also located at a nice village where people could comfortably grow a family and judging from the exteriors it appears that they have quite a huge backyard as well.

"Mom, Dad" Selena called out at two people, slightly jogging to them with a smile on her face.

"Hey kiddo" her stepdad greeted as Selena placed a kiss on each of their cheeks. Harry observed the family, noticing that her mom was quite beautiful as well, but judging from the woman's looks it appears that her daughter might have gotten that certain exotic appeal mainly from her dad's genes but was able to inherit her mom's hazelnut eyes, charming smile and feline grace, all in all, Selena looks to have inherited the best from both, growing up to this gorgeous creature before him.

"Mom, Dad, these are my friends and I guess you're familiar with the boys" eliciting a chuckle from the group "and these beautiful ladies are their girls – Perrie, Sophia and Eleanor. Guys these are my mom and dad" Selena said using her hands to introduce them all.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Teefey, it's nice to meet you" the group said, exchanging handshakes and pleasantries.

"Oh please just call us Mandy and Brian" Mandy said, who was in the midst of getting a kiss on her cheek from Sophia, then continued "It's great to meet you as well and I'm glad that you all had the chance to come here since I want to personally thank you guys for your wonderful gift"

Selena's brows furrowed in confusion at her mom's statement and was just about to ask her about it when Harry's voice interrupted her.

"You're most welcome Mandy"

"Well then, now that we're quite familiar with everybody, we'd like to invite you to join us for dinner" Brian suggested.

"Oh we'd love to, but I hope we're not intruding on any family affair" Eleanor said.

"Nonsense, it's a great time actually since we're having some sort of celebration for Gracie's arrival and a bit of reunion as well and we'd really hope you'll be able to join us, if you're free?" Mandy politely asked.

"Of course, we'd love too" Perrie answered, coupled with the boys nodding, a smile on their faces.

"Great, though we're sorry our house is a bit small but feel free to make yourselves at home" Brian continued.

"Thank you and your house is lovely by the way" Liam said.

"Oh Lena" Mandy said turning to face her daughter "You can show your friends around, but will you help me out in the kitchen afterwards? You know your aunt Claire is nuts about your baking" she asked, earning a laugh from her daughter. "Will do mom" she replied, before her parents went in then turned around to face her friends.

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