Chapter 7

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AN: Thank you guys for the comments and the votes! :)  <3


Selena sighed, biting her bottom lip, unable to stop the smile on her face as she watched the range rover that was moving away from her home. It was the third time that she had bumped into Harry Styles and even though she knew it was mainly because of coincidence she can't help but be thankful that the lad was just such a natural gentleman, not being able to pass an opportunity when she's in need; making her lucky enough to be able to spend time with the singer. In the short amount of time that she had gotten to know him a bit she was already able to come up with the conclusion that there's actually more to him beyond that charismatic smile and she was really glad that she had a chance to have a glimpse of it. The lass was also quite pleased with herself that she had come up with the thought of washing his clothes for him, it wasn't much but it was the only way she could think of repaying him that time which, come to think of it now, had somehow guaranteed her a reason to see him again; making her a bit giddy inside. Sure she may not know when that time will be but this time around she was determined to make their fourth encounter to happen; maybe it's time to take a leaf out of Zoey's book.

Because just when I thought you can't get any better, you always do.

Selena's reverie however was cut short when her phone started to ring again and the barista just can't help but to glare at it as she closed the door, knowing fully well who was calling her.


Harry came out of the shower donned in his Calvin Klein boxers and hastily dried his hair with a towel, preparing to go to sleep. It was already 1:17 AM, the awards and the after party having finished roughly a few minutes after midnight and to say that Harry had received an earful especially from Lou and Louis was an understatement after arriving an hour and a half late. The 21 year old was adamantly bombarded with questions on his late appearance by the 2 but the lad was somehow able to worm his way out, his inquisitors having been temporarily distracted after the band won all four awards they were nominated for. Louis however, being the more persistent just showered him with dubious glances, intently showing his best mate that he was letting him off the hook momentarily; while the three other boys just shrugged it off after having the impression that he was going to remain tight lipped. He knew however that he can dodge the inquiries for a limited time, since Louis was quite positive that he had gone on a date which had earned him an eye roll from the curly haired lad. To make matters worse for his part however, a smile had involuntarily made its way to his face to which he received an omniscient "aha" and a smirk from Louis.

Blame it on a cute barista.

Even if Harry had managed to make the girl spend time with him not once did he ever consider any of their rendezvous a date, mainly because: 1) He hasn't asked her out 2) Harry always made sure to make a date worthwhile for a girl and when it came to Selena, he was pretty sure that she deserved an extravagant one. But the real reason for his smile however was not just because he thought of her but mainly because he found it quite amusing that he hadn't thought of the idea before, when come to think of it his attraction towards the brunette was quite blatantly obvious. Even though their meetings were unplanned, Harry never failed to notice that she always managed to effortlessly leave a smile on his face no matter how shitty his day had gone by. He was actually appalled at first when she offered to launder his clothes for him, not wanting to put her in any inconvenience. But when he thought better of it, it dawned on him that he now has a reason to see her again and this time he was sure that it would happen and not just rely it on another coincidence.

Harry hung the towel after his hair had completely dried and proceeded to settle himself under the sheets but just as he had propped his head on the pillow an unsettling feeling popped on the pit of his stomach, making a frown appear on his features. To be quite honest it had already made its presence known during the awards, troubling Harry. The worry he felt wasn't really grave but it was something akin to the disconcerting thought that there was something important that he forgot to do, but no matter how hard he tried to wrack his brains he just couldn't figure it out. After a couple of minutes frustration and fatigue won out and Harry decided to finally sleep and think it over tomorrow.

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