Chapter 39

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AN: So this contains Selena's answer :)

"Hi, you've reached Harry Styles, sorry I can't take your call right now. Please leave a message and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you."

Selena released a sigh of defeat as she listened to the sexy baritone voice of her boyfriend. It's been two days since she declined his offer of moving in together and needless to say, it's also been two days since she became close friends with his voicemail. She made sure to be polite and clearly explain her reasons, yet the moment she voiced her disagreement it had been apparent that Harry had not been expecting her answer, causing disappointment to wash over the lad, immediately obliterating their intimate moment. He tried to mask it in an attempt to alleviate her compunction, but his smiles weren't enough to hide the rejection in his eyes. In the three short but beautiful months that they have been together, this was the very first time that she had been the primary cause of Harry's dismay and while it had been unintentional, it was still not enough to ease her guilt.

She knew her reasons were logical, she just couldn't simply abandon her parents' house on the snap of her fingers and selling it was completely out of the question. God forbid they break up, she'll end up homeless in the streets. Plus even if seeing his pretty face every moment was a temptation, living together was just too soon at this rate and might even put a strain in their relationship and that was the last thing she desired.

Hearing the beep on the other end of the line, Selena cleared her throat before speaking "H-hi Harry, it's me" She said with an awkward chuckle, mentally cursing herself for such her lame start "Uhm, I know I already told you but we have a game tomorrow and I want to know if you'd come, though it's okay if you're busy and might not be able to come at all. But I'd really, really love for you to be there and yeah" she said pausing in an attempt to end her rambling then took in a breath "What I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and I really miss you. I love you, okay? Bye."

Her message ended just as the beep was heard again, causing her to hang up with a sigh. Her posture was slumped against the lockers as she weaved a hand through her tresses, despair clouding her. Her actions were done for good measure, but she wasn't expecting for it to upset him so much.

The sound of the whistle blowing, caught her attention "Alright ladies, enough chitchat, I want your cute little arses out in the field in five minutes, yeah?" Coach Anderson bellowed, causing the entire girls' football team to scamper around going on their last minute businesses before following her orders. Selena pushed herself of the lockers, hurriedly gathering her hair into a ponytail before releasing another dejected sigh.

I miss him


Harry listened to the message for the eighth time, missing her voice. Truth be told while the band did have commitments lined up, their schedule was still not that hectic, granting him free time in his hands. But with those free times, not once did he even visit or made an effort to contact his girlfriend. He wanted to, but her rejection stung him, causing him to mope around for days, a frown etched on his face.

A logical part of him berated himself, telling him that he should move past it and instead take advantage of his spare time to spend with her before going on tour. But how could he? When she thought moving in together might damage their relationship. Did she not have faith in them? Did she not realize that this was actually a big step for him; one that actually made him afraid, but the thought of her waking up next to him, giving him the strength to embrace his fears and trust in them?

Six hours before that dreaded news about him and Kendall hit the internet, Louis had nervously yet excitedly revealed to the band about Eleanor's pregnancy, causing them to erupt in elated cheers. Then on a more serious note, Louis pulled him in the corner and discussed with him their current living arrangements - they would have to sell the flat since Louis and El had already made plans of cohabiting together in just a few months. This inspired Harry to grab the same idea with him and Selena, his orbs sparkling in excitement as he started to google vacant lots for sale, his imagination getting the best of him as he started picturing designs of houses that she would actually approve. But all his daydreaming was immediately flushed down the toilet the moment her sweet voice said 'no' prompting him to shorten their rendezvous and utter a lame excuse to leave - a self-admitted shitty move, but completely inevitable for him since he could not bring himself to pretend that he wasn't the least bit upset.

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