Chapter 27

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AN: Hi loves, sorry I wasn't able to update for a while. Again, thank you for your unwavering support! :)

Okay, so this story's rated R for a reason, there's a little bit of smut here so if you're not comfortable with that kind of stuff just PM me and I'll just send you the shorter version. For those who are completely okay with it...Enjoy, hope you like its guys ;)


"My classes don't end until 1:30 but I'll have enough time to submit your homework by then. Are you sure you'll be alright on your own?" Zoey asked, concern evident on her tone.

"I'll be fine Zoey, I promise. I'm really sorry" Selena replied, her voice hoarse and tired.

"It's fine bitch, just be sure to eat, okay?"

"Okay, thanks. Zoey"

"No problem, go get some rest. Love you"

"Will do, love you too" Selena said, unable to stifle the yawn that fled her lips as she hung up.

She had just gotten out of bed a couple of hours ago but still can't seem to shake off the exhaustion clouding her; her vision continuously spinning, the frustration of not having been able to chat with Harry the previous night adding all the more to her frazzled nerves. She had sent him a text the moment her clouded mind realized it was already morning but still haven't received a reply from him. She had also tried calling him but to no avail as his phone was shut off for hours.

Letting out a huff she could only pray that the lad was not upset with her as sleep claimed her once more.


Zoey was out of breath by the time she had reached the parking lot, she had been jogging from room to room since morning so as to be able to submit Selena's schoolwork and not be late for her own classes. It didn't help that the blonde was never a fan of physical exercise, wiping the sweat off her brow, she could only be thankful that she was halfway done for the day, she still had to play nurse after all, the things she would do for her best friend, the good thing is she knew the brunette will be willing to go through hell just for her, so it evens things out between the them. She was just about to open her car door when a voice suddenly came from behind her, making her jump.

"Whoa, sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you" Harry explained, holding his palms up, chuckling.

"Harry?" Zoey asked, stupefied as she glanced at the towering lad, a sunglass hiding his emerald orbs "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on tour?" Zoey asked again, recovering from her initial shock.

"We have a four-day off from the tour, we didn't let any of you girls know to surprise you"

"Oh, wait so Niall is here as well?" she asked, unable to contain the excitement

"Yes love, though they'll be coming a few hours later, I booked an earlier flight"

"Oh, can't wait to see my best friend?" Zoey asked teasingly, making the lad chuckle.

"Most likely, speaking of, when does her class end? She's not answering my calls and texts"

"Oh she's probably asleep"

"Asleep? She doesn't have class today?" Harry asked confused

"She didn't tell you, did she?"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh that sneaky little rat, she promised me she'll tell you and Mandy"

"Tell me what Zoey?" Harry asked slowly, his eyebrow cocked in confusion, not liking the direction of the conversation

And then came you (Harry & Selena)Where stories live. Discover now