Chapter 15

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Thank you for the continued support everyone! I hope this chapter will make-up for the past week of idleness..thanks again loves :)


Selena rummaged through her closet, arbitrarily pulling out an outfit, scanning it then tossing it on the bed, unable to decide which one to choose.

"Zoey, I need your help" Selena said fretfully, running a hand through her locks as she laid down on the bed beside the blonde who was scanning a magazine.

"Fear not, Fairy godmother is here!" Zoey said, without tearing her eyes from the magazine. "Hey!" the blonde suddenly exclaimed as said magazine was grabbed then thrown on the bedside table.

"You're not helping"

"Am too"

"By reading the magazine?"

"I was looking for outfits, you know"

Selena raised an eyebrow "At the horoscope section?" she asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I was searching for advices on what your sign should wear on first dates"

Selena snorted then asked "And?"

"Well it says here that this month you should develop your cooking skills - not that you need to anyway. Erm, so maybe an apron would do?" Zoey asked, scratching the back of her head then gave out a yelp as she got hit by a pillow.

"Seriously, I mean what did you wear on your date with Niall?"

"Hmmm, let's see, my grey off-shoulder, long sleeved shirt, skinny jeans and black ankle boots" Zoey said recalling her clothes then asked "What?" as she noticed the inquisitive stare her best friend was giving her.


"Well he told me we were going to an amusement park. What would you expect?"

"Wait, you asked him where you were going? Genius! Why didn't I think of that?" Selena said mainly to herself with a renewed boost of energy as she picked up her phone and dialed Harry's number.

"Ha! See! I told you I'm your fairy godmother!" Zoey mumbled in the background.


"Well hello Ms. Gomez, so eager on seeing me?" Harry's sexy voice asked after the third ring and by his tone, Selena could tell a smirk was present on his face.

"Such a humble gentleman you are, I need to ask you something"

"I try babe, sure"

"Where are we going tonight?"

"No can do, love"

"But you said anything!"

"Anything but that"


"Because that will ruin the surprise"

"Harry, please. I need to know what I'm going to wear"

"Are you preparing already? Love, it's just 10 AM" Harry said teasingly, making Selena blush.

"Shut up, I just need to know what to wear. I don't want to be over or underdressed you know"

"I prefer underdressed" Harry said playfully, giving Selena an idea on his implication.


"You're blushing aren't you?"


"Alright, alright, it is quite a fancy restaurant, but nothing red carpet material" Harry said chuckling.

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