Chapter 31

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Warning: Smut

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A long sensual moan left Selena's swollen lips as her back hit the wall, Harry's arousal now fully pressed against her. The couple arrived at his flat fifteen minutes ago, but had the difficulty of reaching his room starting from the moment Harry had closed the front door. They were now at the hallway, a heated, tangled mess. The brunette was propped up, his hands under her backside, supporting her and squeezing her ass at the same time. Her legs were wrapped on his waist, while his head was buried on the crook of her neck, placing open-mouthed kisses along her heated skin. Selena's hands that were tangled on Harry's locks, left his curls to travel downwards and struggled to undo the buttons of his shirt while her eyes remained closed, his blazer discarded someplace a long while ago. Harry momentarily lowered her to the ground, while his lips found hers again, as he helped her remove the clothing that was bunched up on his wrists. Selena gave out a gasp against his lips as she felt herself being lifted off the ground again, her hands, settled on his shoulders; Harry taking that moment as a chance to dart his tongue inside her mouth.

So lost in their kisses, Selena found herself in slight surprise as Harry again set her on her feet, unable to take notice how he got them on his room.

"Baby?" Harry throatily asked, his eyes almost black.

"Yes?" Selena asked in return, her hands positioned at his belt buckle.

"I need to know if you're ready, if you really want this, because I know I won't be able to stop myself beyond this point."

Upon hearing his words, it was only then that Selena noticed that his hands were situated at her back, grasping her zipper, ready to pull it down at her command. A small smile went to her lips, even at the point of lust, he was ready to push aside his needs would she say it. This was what actually captured her heart and made her fall in love with him, knowing she'll never be able to meet another gentleman like him. Selena lifted her hands and placed it on his wrists, removing them from her and took a few steps back, Harry's eyes clouded with question and curiosity, only to be filled with realization as Selena reached behind her and slowly undid her dress. Even with the presence of alcohol, Selena can't help but feel a bit nervous as the dress started to slide off her, lowering her gaze as she felt the material pooling on her feet; leaving her in a red, lacy, thong; her long, wavy, hair that had been freed from her bun a while ago, the only coverage on her chest.

Harry didn't know that he could even go harder, yet the sight of her just proved that he could, he wanted nothing more than to touch her already, but with her lowered gaze and the slight redness in her cheeks proved that she was feeling insecure under his gaze, though there wasn't any need to be.

Harry closed the gap between them, groans leaving both their lips as her nipples brushed against his naked chest. Hooking a finger under her chin he tilted it up "You're so beautiful" he whispered as his hands brushed down her sides, then slowly went back up to cup her breasts.

Selena's hands immediately gripped his strong biceps as his hands kneaded her, letting out a moan when his fingers flicked her peaks. Lifting her hands, she placed them on the back of his neck as she pulled him down for a kiss. Harry groaned at her mouth when he felt her bite his bottom lip gently and suck on it, unable to control it anymore he lifted her up once again, only to place her down on the bed, settling himself between her legs. Their tongues battled for dominance, as Harry continued to massage her twins, while Selena fumbled with his belt again, moaning into his mouth. They were both panting when Harry pulled away, both from the lack of air and the heavy lust surrounding them, gazing into each other's pools, only for Harry to dip his head back down, not even letting Selena catch her breath as he took one nipple in his mouth.

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